
What is the most notable contribution in science of Africa?

What is the most notable contribution in science of Africa?

Many advances in metallurgy and tool making were made across the entirety of ancient Africa. These include steam engines, metal chisels and saws, copper and iron tools and weapons, nails, glue, carbon steel and bronze weapons and art (2, 7).

How did Africans use the stars?

IsiLimela or the Pleiades were the ‘digging stars’, whose appearance in southern Africa warned of the coming need to begin hoeing the ground. All over Africa, these stars were used as a marker of the growing season. ‘And we say isiLimela is renewed, and the year is renewed, and so we begin to dig’. (Callaway 1970).

What do xhosas believe about stars?

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Kung Bushmen called it “Old Star” and said that it guided the Sun across the sky. In Xhosa tradition, the Morning Star is iKhwezi Iokusa and is associated with diligence. Travellers, who sleep out in the open, would see it and know it was time to resume their journey.

What did Africa give to the world?

Many inventions from Africa contributed to the birth of every technology that exists today. Of those many inventions, scholars such as John G. Jackson (1993) believed that the greatest inventions were the paper, alphabet, ink, and pen.

What is the contribution of Africa in astronomy?

African people have been observing the stars and planets since ancient times. For centuries, Africans have searched the heavens for meaning, order and understanding of their place as a people on earth. Astronomy was and is still practised in parts of Africa to measure time, seasons, cycles, direction and naming rites.

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What is the culture of Africa?

The Culture of Africa is varied and manifold, consisting of a mixture of countries with various tribes that each have their own unique characteristic from the continent of Africa. It is a product of the diverse populations that inhabit the continent of Africa and the African Diaspora.

What are Zulu cultural beliefs about the stars?

The Zulus know them as isiLimela and they believe these stars die in the winter (as they sink below the western horizon not to be seen for many months) and when the rainy season starts in late spring they are reborn as they reappear in the east.

Can you see Orion from South Africa?

Observing the Constellations from Southern Africa. Background: Orion is no doubt one of the most well-known constellations, and also one of the easiest to learn. Orion for its southern hemisphere observers can be found during summer nights, close to the zenith and somewhat to the north.