
What is the OIG report?

What is the OIG report?

OIG reports contain findings of its audits and evaluations, assess how well HHS programs and grantees/contractors are working, identify risks to the people they serve and to taxpayers, and recommend necessary improvements.

What is Federal OIG?

Each Federal agency has an Office of Inspector General (OIG) watching over agency funds and operations and we are the OIG for the U.S. Department of Education (ED). OIG is also the law enforcement arm of ED, conducting criminal investigations involving fraud, embezzlement, and public corruption involving ED funds.

What is the HHS OIG and what is its major concern?

OIG is an independent and objective organization that fights fraud, waste, and abuse and promotes efficiency, economy, and effectiveness in HHS programs and operations. We work to ensure that Federal dollars are used appropriately and that HHS programs well serve the people who depend on them.

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Is OIG federal or state?

OIG is the largest inspector general’s office in the Federal Government with approximately 1,600 personnel.

What is the purpose of the OIG?

On April 14, 1989, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) was created in the Department of Justice (Department) by amendment to the Inspector General Act of 1978. OIG’s mission is to detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse in Department programs and misconduct by Department personnel.

Who does OIG report to?

Who does the Inspector General report to? According to the Inspector General Act, the Inspector General serves under the general supervision of the DHS Secretary and has a dual and independent reporting relationship to the Secretary and the Congress.

Is OIG part of HHS?

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for oversight of the HHS’s approximately $2.4 trillion portfolio of programs.

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What does wanted by HHS mean?

OIG maintains a list of fugitives wanted for health care fraud, abuse or child support obligations. Tips from the public often help us capture these individuals and bring them to justice. If you have any information regarding these fugitives please file a report.

What happens when OIG investigation?

Q: What happens when an investigation is complete? A: Generally, when an investigation is complete, OIG will produce a report based upon relevant witness interviews, records, and other evidence. The report will be reviewed within OIG to ensure that it is fact-based, objective, and clear.

Is OIG a law enforcement?

OIG special agents are Federal law enforcement officers who are trained and authorized to exercise law enforcement authority to make warrantless arrests, obtain and execute search and arrest warrants, and carry firearms in the performance of their duties.

Are OIG reports public?

OIG reports and documents are made available internally and publicly, subject to the restrictions imposed by the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act.