
What is the past and past participle form of set?

What is the past and past participle form of set?

Past Tense of Set

Present Tense: Set
Past Tense: Set
Past Participle: Set
Present Participle: Setting

Was setted or was set?

There’s no such word as “setted”. The present tense, past tense, present participle and past participle of the word “set” is set, set, setting and set respectively. “He sets the paper pretty tough usually.” “He set the standard which was really high.”

What is past Perfect of set?

Perfect tenses

past perfectⓘ pluperfect
you had set
he, she, it had set
we had set
you had set

What is the passive of set?

A remote control is set to work with a machine. (The verb “set” is in the passive voice in this sentence.) 4. You might have to set a code to get into your car, your house, or your garage.

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What is the third form of set?

Verb Forms of Set

(Base) 1st (Past) 2nd (Past Participle) 3rd
Set Set Set
Get list of more Verb Forms.

Has set or setted?

The conjugation of the verb to set has set (not setted) as the part participle, and it is the past participle that you use as the adjective form: “set temperature.” Compare to “fixed temperature,” where fixed is the past participle of to fix.

What is past tense of bite?

Past tense of bite and other forms of the verb bite

root or present form Bite काटता हूं काटते हैं काटती हूं
third person singular / ‘s’ form bites काटता है
Past form of Bite Bit काटा था
present participle/ ‘ing’ form biting काट रहा है काट रही है काट रहे हैं
past participle form bitten काट चुका है काट चुका हूं काट चुके हैं

What is the 3 form of set?

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Conjugation of verb ‘Set’

V1 Base Form (Infinitive): To Set
V2 Past Simple: Set
V3 Past Participle: Set
V4 3rd Person Singular: Sets
V5 Present Participle/Gerund: Setting

What is 2nd form of set?

What is the verb of set?

set 1. / (sɛt) / verb sets, setting or set (mainly tr) to put or place in position or into a specified state or conditionto set a book on the table; to set someone free. (also intr; foll by to or on) to put or be put (to); apply or be appliedhe set fire to the house; they set the dogs on the scent.