
What is the PHB 1 rule?

What is the PHB 1 rule?

The PH + 1 rule states that players can only create characters using races, classes, subclasses, feats, spells, backgrounds, and other options found in the Player’s Handbook and in one additional fifth edition sourcebook of the player’s choosing.

What books are legal in adventurers league?

Those players who have longed to play the lizardfolk forge cleric of their dreams will now have that opportunity in the Adventurers League….The universal resources are:

  • Player’s Handbook.
  • Volo’s Guide to Monsters.
  • Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
  • Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes.
  • Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

Is Tasha’s allowed in adventurers league?

The official play league of Dungeons & Dragons is ready to welcome Tasha with open arms… D&D Adventurers League establishes a list of rules for what kinds of characters players can create, how they can advance, and how DMs are supposed to run official games. …

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Is UA allowed in adventurers league?

D&D Organized Play includes the Adventurer’s League, so no, you can’t use Unearthed Arcana material in Adventurer’s League events.

Is PHB +1 still a thing?

Big changes are coming to the Adventurers League rulesets! Beginning with the Masters and Historic campaign documents releasing over the next week, character creation and development will no longer be constrained by the “PH + 1” rule.

Does PHB 1 include spells?

Feats and spells gained by advancement are subject to PHB+1. So you can’t gain booming blade through advancement, either.

Is Sword Coast Al legal?

Yes, as long as you abide by the “+1 rule.” Note, however, that locks out the possibility of using any character options from Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide or Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, for instance.

Does adventurers league allowed Multiclassing?

Multiclassing is legal in AL. The only thing to watch out for is the PHB+1 limit on sources.

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Is artificer allowed in Al?

Can you use the Artificer Class in Adventure League? That is deeply disappointing. Nothing is Legal in AL.

Can custom lineage take racial feats?

Short version, if you use Custom Lineage you cannot use racial feats. If you use some of the other options for customizing an existing racial option(like swapping stat bonuses, proficiencies etc) from Tasha’s, you’re still that race and qualify for its available racial feats.

Are Unearthed Arcanas legal?

TSR, Inc. The original Unearthed Arcana was written primarily by Gary Gygax, and published by game publisher TSR in 1985 for use with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons first edition rules.

Is Genasi legal?

Genasi are from the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion, which is legal to choose as a +1 source. Homebrew, Explanation; Is it really a “cash grab”? As I recall, the only restriction in race is that you can’t select any race that starts with a flying speed, so no Aarokocra, no winged Tieflings…