
What is the ploidy of cells in embryo sac?

What is the ploidy of cells in embryo sac?

Embryo sac consists of three parts namely egg apparatus, secondary nucleus and antipodal. Antipodal in turn consists of three cells called haploids. Embryo sac carries two haploid nuclei and six haploid cells that do not have any cell walls. So the ploidy of the embryo sac is haploid.

What will be the ploidy of embryo?

Similarly, a ‘2n’ male plant will form male gametes with the ploidy of ‘n’. Hence, embryo produced is 3n (fusion of ‘2n’ egg and ‘n’ sperm) and endosperm is 5n (PEN formed from the fusion of two ‘2n’ polar nuclei i.e., ‘4n’ and on fusion with ‘n’ sperm forms ‘5n’ endosperm).

What is the ploidy of large central cell in embryo sac?

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Hence, the central cell is homodiploid (2n) in most angiosperms and polyploidy in some other species due to fusion of more than two nuclei, but remains haploid in some basal angiosperms such as Nymphaeales and Austrobaileyales (Figure 1B).

Is embryo sac of angiosperms haploid?

In angiosperms , the embryo sac represents the female gametophyte that derived from the megaspore mother cell through meiosis, that is why it is haploid….

Question In an angiosperm the embryo sac is haploid , zygote is diploid and endosperm is triploid. Justify giving reasons for each stage.
Class 12th

What is the ploidy of ovule?

The nucellus is the central part of the ovule containing the embryo sac and is diploid, and megaspore mother cell is the one which is going to form 4 haploid megaspores by meiosis so again being a parent cell their ploidy is 2n.

Is antipodal haploid or diploid?

diploid Since, all these cells three cells (synergid, polar nuclei and antipodals are) formed by mitosis from the functional megaspore, they are haploid (n).

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Is the central cell haploid or diploid?

Though the central cell is is having 2 polar nuclei . it is haploid as it is developed from megaspore ( n ) .

What is the ploidy of Antipodals cell?

DNA content in differentiated antipodal cells has been determined by a cytophotometric analysis; in the case of a mature embryo sac, the ploidy of antipodal cells varied from 8 to 32C.