
What is the postcode for Bfpo?

What is the postcode for Bfpo?

BFPO Address Post Codes

BFPO Number Post Code Location
26 BF1 2AG Casteau
28 BF1 2AH Brunssum
44 BF1 0AR Wulfen
46 BF1 0AT Goch/Wessel

Is Bfpo a UK address?

The British Forces Post Office (BFPO) provides a postal service to HM Forces, separate from that provided by Royal Mail in the United Kingdom. BFPO addresses are used for the delivery of mail in the UK and around the world.

How do you fill out a Bfpo address?

How to address BFPO mail. Write the address clearly in capital letters, keeping exactly to the format for the role of the person you’re posting to. Write a return address on the back of the mail. Use a BFPO postcode if you’re ordering goods online, or a BFPO number for anything else.

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Where is Bfpo 52?

Max weight – 30Kg

BFPO No. Post Code Location
46 BF1 0AT Goch/Wessel
49 BF1 2AN Brussels
50 BF1 2AQ Stavanger
52 BF1 2AR Gibraltar

Is it free to post to a BFPO address?

How To Send Parcels To A BFPO Address? Under the Enduring Families Free Mail Service (EFFMS), small parcels of up to 2kg in weight can be sent free of charge to certain locations via Royal Mail services. Small parcels must not exceed 45cm in length, width 35cm and depth 16cm to qualify for free postage.

Where is BFPO 11?

Max weight – 30Kg

BFPO No. Post Code Location
11 BF1 3AG Seria
12 BF1 3AH Belize City
14 BF1 3AJ Suffield
16 BF1 0AB Sennelager

How do I send a letter to Bfpo?

How to address your BFPO parcel or letter

  1. Include the recipient’s name, number and rank.
  2. Include the sub-unit, unit and BFPO number.
  3. If it’s for a member of their family, send the parcel c/o the Forces member.
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Are Bfpo addresses free?

Families and friends in UK and BFPOs can send packets of up to 2kg, free of charge, to service personnel in certain operations and HM Ships. Read more about the enduring families free mail service.

Where is BFPO 39?

Max weight – 30Kg

BFPO No. Post Code Country
28 BF1 2AH Holland
39 BF1 0AP Germany
44 BF1 0AR Germany
46 BF1 0AT Germany

Where is BFPO 12?

Belize City
BFPO indicator list

BFPO Number Post Code Location
12 BF1 3AH Belize City
14 BF1 3AJ Suffield
16 BF1 0AB Sennelager
19 BF1 0AE Monchengladbach

Is British Forces Post free?

Families and friends in the UK and at BFPOs can send packets up to 2 kg in weight, free of charge, to military and entitled civilian personnel only on the below operations and HM ships in support.

Do Hermes deliver to BFPO?

Unfortunately we currently are unable to send items to British Forces Post Offices (BFPO), however please check back to our website in the future as we are hopeful of offering this service in the future.