
What is the purpose of sulfonation?

What is the purpose of sulfonation?

Sulfonation and sulfation are major industrial chemical processes used to make a diverse range of products, including dyes and color intensifiers, pigments, medicinals, pesticides and organic intermediates.

What is the difference between sulfation and sulfonation?

Sulfonation and sulfation are two important chemical processes used in many industries to add a sulfur-containing group to an organic compound. The main difference between sulfonation and sulfation is that sulfonation involves the formation of a C-S bond whereas sulfation involves the formation of a C-O-S bond.

Why is sulfonation reversible?

Sulfonation of benzene is a reversible reaction. Sulfur trioxide readily reacts with water to produce sulfuric acid and heat. Therefore, by adding heat to benzenesulfonic acid in diluted aqueous sulfuric acid the reaction is reversed.

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Why SO3 is used in Sulphonation?

But with SO3 sulfonation process has the following advantages. It is more direct and considerably faster than the present process. It requires fewer man hours and, therefore, is more economical.

What is sulfonation in organic chemistry?

Sulfonation: A chemical reaction which introduces the sulfonic acid functional group (-SO3H) into a molecule. Sulfonation with sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid converts benzene into benzene sulfonic acid.

What is the electrophile in sulfonation?

The electrophile is sulphur trioxide, and this arises in one of two ways depending on which sort of acid you are using. Concentrated sulphuric acid contains traces of SO3 due to slight dissociation of the acid.

What is the sulfation process?

Sulfation of calcium oxides Sulfation is a process used to remove “sulfur” from the combustion of fossil fuels. Combustion of sulfur-containing fuels releases sulfur dioxide, which, in the atmosphere, oxidizes to the equivalent of sulfuric acid, which is corrosive.

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What is the electrophile in aromatic sulfonation?

Sulfur trioxide or its protonated derivative is the actual electrophile in this electrophilic aromatic substitution.

Which electrophile is used for Sulphonation of benzene?

sulphur trioxide
So, the active electrophile in sulphonation of benzene is sulphur trioxide.

What compound gives one product after sulfonation?

We can see that in mesitylene, all positions are equal, so there would be a single product formed on sulphonation.