
What is the purpose of trepanation?

What is the purpose of trepanation?

Trepanation of the frontal sinus is a medical procedure to create a small opening in the floor of the frontal sinus. It helps release the pressure inside the sinus, clearing the pus, and completely clearing the infections. Trepanation of the nail may be done.

What is trepanation known as today?

This procedure — also known as “trepanning” or “trephination” — requires drilling a hole into the skull using a sharp instrument. Nowadays, doctors will sometimes perform a craniotomy — a procedure in which they remove part of the skull to allow access to the brain — to perform brain surgery.

Can you survive trepanation?

As a tendency, the survival rate appears to be relatively high from the Neolithic to Late Antiquity but then decreases until Pre-Modern times. The 78\% survival rate in Late Iron Age Switzerland indicates that the surgery was often performed successfully.

Why was trepanation used in prehistoric times?

Trepanations appear to have been most common in areas where weapons that could produce skull fractures were used. The primary theories for the practice of trepanation in ancient times include spiritual purposes and treatment for epilepsy, headache, head wound, and mental disorders.


Why was lobotomy banned?

The Soviet Union banned the surgery in 1950, arguing that it was “contrary to the principles of humanity.” Other countries, including Germany and Japan, banned it, too, but lobotomies continued to be performed on a limited scale in the United States, Britain, Scandinavia and several western European countries well into …

What is the most common psychological disability throughout the world?

How common is mental illness?

  • 970 million people worldwide have a mental health or substance abuse disorder. (
  • Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the world, affecting 284 million people. (
  • Globally, mental illness affects more females (11.9\%) than males (9.3\%). (

What is the difference between craniotomy and craniectomy?

A craniotomy is a surgical procedure that may be used to treat brain cancer. A craniectomy is a similar procedure that involves a different surgical technique and is used in different situations.