
What is the real meaning of Discombobulate?

What is the real meaning of Discombobulate?

Definition of discombobulate transitive verb. informal. : to cause to be in a state of confusion : upset, disorient … inventing cool new ways to discombobulate the old order.—

How do you discombobulate?

Discombobulated in a Sentence 🔉

  1. I felt discombobulated after working twelve hours a day for seven straight days.
  2. When the student looked at the difficult test, she felt discombobulated.
  3. The cat was discombobulated until it learned its way around the new house.

Is discombobulated a bad word?

Discombobulated is a made-up word but had found its way into some dictionaries. It means something like confused. The Macquarie says it means “to upset or confuse a person” and it comes from discompose or discomfort. It is this nonsense quality that gives the word its meaning – to throw into a state of confusion.

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What is another word for discombobulated?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for discombobulate, like: perplex, jumble, confuse, mix-up, confound, muddle, puzzle, befuddle, bewilder, bemuse and mystify.

Who said discombobulate?

The score of the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes features a track entitled “Discombobulate,” composed by Hans Zimmer. That title takes its name from a line spoken by the title character during a memorable boxing match, which spawned a meme known as Discombobulate.

What happens when you get discombobulated?

Discombobulate is a fun, fancy word for “confuse.” If something has put you in a state where you don’t know up from down and you can’t spell your own name, you may be discombobulated. Discombobulate kind of sounds like you feel when you’re disoriented: bouncing around in several directions at once.

What rhymes discombobulated?

Near rhymes with Discombobulated

Word Score?
1 accumulated 2274
2 ocellated 2261
3 ovulated 2231
4 coagulated 2227

What does discombobulated cow mean?

Discombobulated usually means confused or disconcerted, to call a person discombobulated basically means they don’t know what they are doing or where they are. A discombobulated cow seems like a juvenile joke to me. 174 views. Submission accepted by.

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How do you use Discombobulate in a sentence?

1. The spokesman was completely discombobulated by the hecklers. 2. That really can discombobulate you.

What is the opposite of discombobulated?

Adjective. ▲ Opposite of showing or expressing confusion or bewilderment. aware. clear.

What is the Discombobulate meme from?