
What is the recommended number of NTP servers?

What is the recommended number of NTP servers?

To work properly ntpd needs to talk to at least 3 servers (“A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure”). For servers in the pool we recommend configuring no less than 4 and no more than 7 servers.

How do you sync time between two servers?

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Start | Control Panel, and double-click Date And Time.
  2. On the Internet Time tab, select a time server from the drop-down list, or enter the DNS name of your network’s internal time source.
  3. Click Update Now, click Apply, and click OK.

Why NTP is most accurate for clock synchronization?

The NTP server ntpd will learn and remember the clock drift and it will correct it autonomously, even if there is no reachable server. Therefore large clock steps can be avoided while the machine is synchronized to some reference clock.

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Can you have multiple NTP servers?

Configuring multiple time-servers will increase the reliability and accuracy of your PC’s timekeeping abilities. On unreliable and slow networks, it can be especially useful to configure more than one time-server to improve accuracy.

What is NTP conf?

conf file is a text file with configuration information for the NTP daemon, ntpd . On Unix-like systems it is commonly located in the /etc/ directory, on Windows system in the directory C:\Program files (x86)\NTP\etc\ or C:\Program files\NTP\etc\ .

How do I sync my PC time with NTP server?

Method 2:

  1. a. Click on clock and select “Change date and time settings”.
  2. b. Click on the “Internet Time” tab.
  3. c. Check if it is set to “synchronize the time with”
  4. d. If the option is selected, click on change settings to check the option “Synchronize with an Internet Time server”
  5. e. Click on OK.

Why are there 3 NTP servers?

The presence of three or more time sources would allow the network to maintain accurate time even if one of the primary masters fails. Ideally, NTP servers would be located in three geographically disparate locations. This group of primary masters would be the source for time for the enterprise.