
What is the relation between resistance and conductance?

What is the relation between resistance and conductance?

Conductance is the opposite of resistance: the measure of how easy it is for electric current to flow through something. Conductance is symbolized with the letter “G” and is measured in units of mhos or Siemens. Mathematically, conductance equals the reciprocal of resistance: G = 1/R.

What is the main difference between conductance and conductivity?

Conductance is the extrinsic property, whereas the inherent property is conductivity. This suggests that conductance is an object’s property depending on its quantity/mass or physical form and scale, whereas conductivity is the object’s intrinsic property of the substance.

What is the difference between current and conductance?

Current is expressed as the movement of charge across the membrane in time (coulombs / second). If either the driving force or conductance is zero then there is no current. Conductance is an electrical term that is the reciprocal of resistance (G = 1/R) and has units of siemens.

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What are the two differences between resistance and resistivity Class 12?

Resistance is directly proportional to the length and temperature while it is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the material. Resistivity is only proportional to the nature and temperature of the particular material. The SI unit of resistivity is Ohms-meter.

What is specific resistance in electrochemistry?

Specific resistance or resistivity (ρ): It is the resistance offered by a material or solution occupying one cm3 volume. It is measured in: ohm. cm (in C.G.S system)

Is equivalent conductance and conductivity same?

Specific Conductance or conductivity is the conductance of a given solution enclosed in a cell having two electrodes of unit area and are separated by 1cm. Equivalent Conductance is the conductance of all the ions produced by one gram equivalent of an electrolyte in a given solution.

What causes resistance in a conductor?

Resistance is caused in a conductor by the free electrons. These free electrons collide with each other and with the ions and atoms that oppose their free movement. This obstruction is known as resistance. Length of the conductor.

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What is the difference between conductance and permeability?

Permeability is a measure of how easily ions can move across a membrane, regardless of whether they are moving or not. Conductance is a measure of how much charge actually moves across the membrane.

What is difference between resistor and resistance?

Answer: Resistance is the property of a conductor, which determines the quantity of current that passes through it when a potential difference is applied across it. A resistor is a electrical componet with a predetermined electrical resistance, like 1 ohm, 10 ohms 100 ohms 10000 ohms etc.