
What is the relationship between intensity and wavelength?

What is the relationship between intensity and wavelength?

Intensity of light is proportional to energy of light, which is proportional to frequency of light (and number of photons). Frequency of light is inversely proportional to wavelength of light. Thus, intensity is inversely proportional to wavelength, if other variables are held constant.

How are intensity of radiation and wavelength related to each other?

Question: What is the relation between intensity of radiation and wavelength? Answer: Wavelength is not directly related with the intensity but it is related with the frequency.. means higher frequency implies higher intensity..

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How is the wavelength and intensity of the X ray radiation controlled?

The intensity of the X-ray beam depends on the number of electrons striking the target per second and in the hot-cathode tubes this is controlled by the heater current. The wavelength depends on the voltage across the tube.

What happens to intensity when wavelength increases?

The wavelength and the intensity of light are not directly related. The wavelength is directly related to the energy of the light—shorter wavelengths are higher energy and longer wavelengths are lower energy.

Whats the difference between intensity and wavelength?

Energy per unit time is measured in watts, so intensity is measured in watts per square meter. For a wavelength of, say 508 nm, the height of the graph gives the intensity of just that part of the light that has a wavelength between 507.5 nm and 508.5 nm.

What is the difference between wavelength and intensity?

The color or hue of light depends on its wavelength, the distance between the peaks of its waves. The brightness of light is related to intensity or the amount of light an object emits or reflects.

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When radiation intensity falls the wavelength increases or decreases?

We know that a wave which has greater frequency will have low wavelength and high energy. So, by decreasing the wavelength, the frequency and consequently energy (intensity) of that wave will increase or vice versa.

What is the effect of increasing intensity and wavelength on stopping potential?

This is known as stopping potential . (3) Stopping potential does not the intensity of incident light . On increasing intensity , the value of saturated current increases , whereas the stopping potential remains unchanged .

Why and how the intensity of radiation decreases as it travels away from its source?

The intensity of radiation decreases with distance from a source because the radiation diverges from the source and because the medium may absorb some of the radiation. Whenever the intensity of radiation varies inversely with the square of the distance, we say it obeys the Inverse Square Law.

Why does intensity of radiation increase with wavelength?

The wavelength is directly related to the energy of the light—shorter wavelengths are higher energy and longer wavelengths are lower energy.