
What is the relationship between the physical layer and data link layer?

What is the relationship between the physical layer and data link layer?

The physical layer describes the way data is actually transmitted on the network medium. The data link layer defines how these streams of bits are put together into manageable chunks of data.

What operates in both the physical and the data link layer?

Bridges operate in both the physically and the data link layers. A bridge operates at the data link layer, giving it access to the physical address of all stations connected to it.

Which features does the data link layer and Transport Layer have in common?

Features they have in common: Both layers can provide recovery from transmission errors. Both layers can provide flow control. Both layers can support multiplexing.

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What are the relationship between protocols and layers?

Layers provide a division of the work done by a network. Networks are set up with a protocol hierarchy that divides the communication task into several layers. A protocol is a set of rules for communication within a layer. A service is what the layer provides to the layer above it through an interface.

What is physical link layer?

The physical layer defines the means of transmitting a stream of raw bits over a physical data link connecting network nodes. The bitstream may be grouped into code words or symbols and converted to a physical signal that is transmitted over a transmission medium.

Which of the following were used to connect segments of LANs together and operate on both the physical and data link layers?

Bridges can also be used to connect two physical LANs into a larger logical LAN. Bridges work only at the Physical and Data Link layers of the OSI model. Bridges are used to divide larger networks into smaller sections by sitting between two physical network segments and managing the flow of data between the two.

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Which device operates at data link layer?

The data link layer is an interface between the network and physical layer. It is further subdivided into two protocol sublayers: medium access control (MAC) and logical link control (LLC).

Which layer interacts with the data layer and sends required information to the presentation layer and also controls Applicationality by performing detailed processing?

Answer: actually answer is Application layer, application layer interact with data layer and send required information to presentation layer.

What is the physical layer in OSI model responsible for?

Physical Layer is responsible for the communication of the unstructured raw data streams over a physical medium. Physical Layer maintains the data rate (how many bits a sender can send per second). It performs Synchronization of bits.

What is the difference between a data link and a link?

Link layer is the lowest component layer of the Internet protocols, as TCP/IP is designed to be hardware independent. While, Data link layer is 2nd layer of OSI model. Data Link Layer: The data link layer handles communication between systems on the same local network.