
What is the role of males in family planning?

What is the role of males in family planning?

Most men in both groups believe that a decision about family planning should be made jointly by the spouses instead of being the prerogative of either. This contrasts with the generally held belief that men are opposed to family planning and a take predominant role in contraceptive decision-making.

Why family planning is important for married couple?

Family planning enables couples to time pregnancies in a way most beneficial to the mother’s and children’s health. Couples should consider the health of the mother and children when planning a pregnancy. Women are in their healthiest years for childbearing between the ages 18 and 34.

What is the husband’s role in the family?

The 2018 husband must work closely with his wife to provide emotional and financial support for the children, provide appropriate monitoring and discipline and most importantly, remain a permanent and loving presence in both his wife’s and his children’s lives.

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What is the importance of family planning to fathers?

Lightens the burden and responsibility in supporting his family. Enables him to give his children their basic needs (food, shelter, education, and better future). Gives him time for his family and own personal advancement. When suffering from an illness, gives enough time for treatment and recovery.

What is male involvement?

Introduction. Male involvement in the context of maternal and child health, is the practice wherein fathers and other men in the community facilitate access to better healthcare facilities and services for women and girls [26].

Is family planning only for married couples?

It has been observed that women patronize most of the family planning service more than men but family planning today is not only for females but a concern for both males and females [7]. That is, birth control is not a responsibility of females but for males as well.

What is a husbands role in a marriage?

The primary role of a husband in a marriage is to love his wife unconditionally and unselfishly. The husband is often looked at as the rock-solid support in a family and someone a wife can lean on in her difficult times. When a husband loves his wife truly and wholly, respect and honor follow almost immediately.

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What are the responsibility of husband to his wife?

Mr Husband your love towards her show in your talking, caring, helping and other activities you do every day. The simplest way to love your wife is to satisfy her emotionally. And you feel her special, show your love in different ways. Let her go outside and spend time together and sometimes give her surprise gifts.

What is family planning in marriage?

· Family planning is when both the husband and wife together discuss and mutually decide how many. children they would like to have and when, so that they can give sufficient love, care, attention and good. education to each of their children.

Why is male involvement important?

Comprehensive male involvement includes: 1. Encouraging men to become more involved and supportive of women’s needs, choices, and rights in sexual and reproductive health; and 2. Addressing men’s own sexual and reproductive health needs and behaviour.

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What is male involvement in maternal and child health?

Involving men in pregnancy and child care is important to ensuring better maternal and child health. In fact, UNICEF identifies male involvement as a key practice to help improve outcomes. Sharing maternal, newborn, and child health information with both fathers and mothers is one way to increase involvement.