
What is the starting salary of PDO in Karnataka?

What is the starting salary of PDO in Karnataka?

The Salary Structure for PDO and GPS in Karnataka is in the range of Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 36,000/- per month and in the range of Rs. 14,550/- to Rs.

Is PDO exam easy?

Because if the candidates got the idea about the topics covered in the exam, then it is easy for them to qualify in the KEA PDO Examination. To help those Job Seekers, here we are providing the Complete Karnataka Panchayat Raj Syllabus and Exam Pattern.

What is the qualification of PDO?

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Bachelors Degree from a recognized university. Preference will be given to Diploma, Visharada, Pandit, Padada Ratna etc., from Hindi Sabha.

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How many papers are there in PDO Exam?

KEA Competitive Examination Pattern The questions in the exam will be of Objective type questions. There will be 2 papers in the exam.

What is the basic salary of PDO?

The highest salary for a PDO in India is ₹5,42,067 per year. What is the lowest salary for a PDO in India? The lowest salary for a PDO in India is ₹11,605 per year.

Is there negative marks in PDO Exam?

KEA PDO Exam Pattern In the Karnataka PDO Exam Pattern, two papers are present. In Paper I, General topics like English, Kannada, General Knowledge topics are asked. The language of the paper in English and Kannada. Accuracy is important in attempting the answers if there is negative marking in the exam.

What is the role of PDO in Karnataka?

Job responsibilities of PDO listed by us include supervision and monitoring the functioning of GPs and guiding the elected representatives of GPs in the process and procedures of decision making at the Gram Panchayat and its Standing Committee meetings as also assisting the BP Executive Officer in coordinating with GPs …

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How can I apply for PDO 2021?

PDO Recruitment 2021 Exam Date – Karnataka Panchayat Raj Online Registration

  1. Eligible candidates need to open an authorized site at
  2. Go to the notice section and click on the Karnataka Examination Authority PDO Recruitment 2021 link.
  3. Read the notification information till the end.

What is the Kannada meaning of PDO?

Meanings of development officer in Kannada ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಅಧಿಕಾರಿ

Is tehsildar a Class 1 officer?

Tehsildar are Class 1 gazetted officers in most states of India. In Uttar Pradesh, tehsildar are given powers of assistant collector Grade I. They also are given judicial power. They implement the various policies of the taluka and are subject to the District Collector.