
What is the time limit to get the information from RTI?

What is the time limit to get the information from RTI?

RTI Time Limit: Time Limit to get information under RTI Act, 2005. Section 7(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 obliges PIO to provide information within 30 days (in normal case)/48 hours (in case the information sought for pertains to life and liberty of a person) of the receipt of request for information.

How can I get bank statement from RTI?

RTI is not the way, and you can never get such information of statement from Bank Individually. File a case and get orders to the Bank for production. If that Bank statement discloses your individual transaction being charged at 48\% then you can establish the same in court.

Can RTI be anonymous?

RTI Anonymous is an online service, through which, any Indian citizen can File Right to Information (RTI) Applications Anonymously. They DO NOT HAVE TO REVEAL THEIR IDENTITY. The RTI Anonymous Community will file those RTI Applications in their name and upload the documents obtained as a reply on this website.

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How do I get someone else’s bank statement?

One cant get the Bank Statement of any other person by any legal means. One can try some illegal means in order to get the Bank statement of the opposite party. The Hon’ble Supreme Court has held in a recent case that any illegal act for the good cause or to prove something right doesn’t construe an illegal act.

How can I file RTI against private bank?

Address the letter to the Public Information Officer of the bank (this information is usually available on the Bank website under RTI link). If you don’t know this, just address the letter to ‘The PIO, Name of the Bank, Place, Correct address of branch.

How do I file an RTI application?

There are some important things required to file an online RTI application. These are: You should address your application to the Public Information Officer of the division which is probably going to have the information you are looking for.

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How can I get information under RTI Act 2005?

An applicant who desires to obtain information under the RTI Act, 2005 can make a request through this RTI Online Portal to the Central Ministries/Departments and other Central Public Authorities mentioned in ONLINE RTI request form. How do I write my application for seeking the information as per RTI Act 2005?

Can a company ask for information from another company under RTI?

Thereby, another organisation can ask for information from another organisation. Irrespective of the nature of the job a person may be performing as far as a person is a citizen of India he/she shall have the right to information subject to the provisions of RTI Act. ALL citizens are entitiled for information under RTI, which includeds employees.

Is there any fee for first appeal in RTI online portal?

As per RTI Act, no fee has to be paid for first appeal. Do I get any SMS from RTI Online Portal? Though optional, the mobile number can be provided by the applicant/ appellant in order to receive SMS alerts. What should I do when my browser show certificate error while opening RTI online portal?