
What is unique about Sierra Leone?

What is unique about Sierra Leone?

Due to factors such as its tropical climate and diverse habitats, Sierra Leone is well known as a country rich in wildlife. It is home to four wildlife reserve. Among the many types of animals who live in this African nation include elephants, hippos, lions, chimpanzees, buffaloes, and a wide variety of birds.

What is Sierra Leone good for?

Although most of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture, Sierra Leone is also a mining centre. Its land yields diamonds, gold, bauxite, and rutile (titanium dioxide). Internal conflict crippled the country from the late 1980s onward, culminating in a brutal civil war that took place from 1991 to 2002.

What products is Sierra Leone known for?

Economy of Sierra Leone

Export goods diamonds, rutile, cocoa, coffee, fish
Main export partners China 50.9\% Belgium 18.1\% Japan 7.9\% Turkey 5.9\% Netherlands 4.5\% Indonesia 4.5\% (2012 est.)
Imports $2.309 billion (172nd) (2012 est.)
Import goods machinery, fuel, lubricants, chemicals, food
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Is Sierra Leone a good country?

According to official government warnings, it’s a crime-riddled, corrupt and dangerously un-regulated country. However, many travel bloggers disagree, saying Sierra Leone is one of the friendliest places in West Africa known for its beautiful beaches.

What is Sierra Leone main export?

Sierra Leone main exports are diamonds (63 percent of total exports), cocoa (22 percent) and coffee. Sierra Leone main export partners are: Belgium, Netherlands, China and United States.

What does Sierra Leone mean in English?

They named the area ‘Sierra Leoa’, a derivative of the original Portuguese name. When Sierra Leone became a British Crown Colony in 1808, the official name was a misspelled version of the name in Spanish (Sierra Leona), modified to Sierra Leone. The meaning remained the same: ‘Lion Mountains’ or ‘Mountains of Lions’.

What is beautiful about Sierra Leone?

Sierra Leone has some of the most beautiful beaches along the coast of West Africa. Pristine and gorgeous, if you’re looking to escape the capital city of Freetown, most of them offer seclusion, solace and quiet. John Obey Beach and Bureh Beach are popular spots for surfers.

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What is Sierra Leone called now?

About 18 ethnic groups inhabit Sierra Leone; the two largest and most influential ones are the Temne and Mende peoples….Sierra Leone.

Republic of Sierra Leone
• Independence from the United Kingdom 27 April 1961
• Constitutional republic 19 April 1971
• Total 71,740 km2 (27,700 sq mi) (117th)

Why is Sierra Leone poor?

Experts believe that four primary factors contribute to Sierra Leone’s overwhelming levels of poverty: government corruption, a lack of an established education system, absence of civil rights and poor infrastructure. These factors make poverty difficult to beat.

Who is the richest man in Sierra Leone?

François Pinault is a French luxury goods mogul who has a net worth of $50 billion. His net worth has grown astronomically in recent years.

What is the main religion in Sierra Leone?

Islam and Christianity are both major religions in Sierra Leone with basically half of the population identifying as Muslim and the other as Christian. The rest of the population is either animist or follow other religious beliefs.

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What type of music is popular in Sierra Leone?

Music: the music of Sierra Leone is a rich mix of the native traditions with French traits thrown for good measure. One of the renowned musical genres originating in Sierra Leone is called the “Palm Wine”. The genre gets its name from a drink by the same name, which were served at places that played this type of music.

What is the life expectancy of Sierra Leone?

The average life expectancy in Sierra Leone is 55 years. Almost a quarter of all children in Sierra Leone are malnourished. The country has been known as one of the worst places in the world to give birth because of the extremely high number of women that die during or just after childbirth.

What are some interesting facts about Sierra Leone?

Ten fun facts about Sierra Leone. Fact 1. The country s name has been derived from the words “Serra Leao,” which in Portuguese mean- “Lion Mountain Range”. Fact 2. Sierra Leone is one of the smallest republics in Africa and in terms of size it ranks as the 118th largest country in the world.