
What kind of fish can I put in with red-eared sliders?

What kind of fish can I put in with red-eared sliders?

Very small, agile fish like guppies may be able to survive with turtles, though they may overpopulate the tank. Goldfish and minnows are often kept with turtles because of their low cost; if they are eaten, they can easily and affordably be replaced.

What fish will my turtle not eat?

You have a turtle that is less interested in eating fish, such as mud and musk turtles. You picked a fish species that is intelligent, slender and speedy, such as tetras, zebras or yellow cichlids. Avoid pairing up turtles and goldfish or any other tropical fish species.

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Can you put a pleco with a red-eared slider?

Plecos (the common name for plecostomus), aka a sucker fish, is a fish in the catfish group that are popular pets. Plecos are algae eaters of varying colors. In addition to sucker fish, certain large koi can cohabitate with turtles such as red ear sliders. Bear in mind, however, that the turtles may nip at their fins.

Can angelfish live with turtles?

For the same reasons turtles cannot live with a betta or goldfish, they cannot live with angelfish. Slow, unaware fish with long, conspicuous fins are a definite no for aquariums with turtles in them.

What other animals can live with red eared slider turtles?

8 Best Tank Mates for Red-Eared Slider Turtles (Compatibility Guide 2021)

  • Striped Raphael Catfish.
  • Common Plecostomus – Best for Large Environments.
  • Pictus Catfish.
  • Koi Fish.
  • Mystery Snails.
  • Goldfish.
  • Rosy-Red Minnows.
  • Guppies.

What is the best food for red eared sliders?


  • Prey Items: Earthworms, crickets, waxworms, silkworms, aquatic snails, bloodworms, daphnia, shrimp, krill, and mealworms.
  • Leafy Greens: Collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, kale, and bok choy.
  • Aquatic Plants: In an aquarium or pond, you can add aquatic plants that turtles usually love to snack on.
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Can betta fish live with red eared sliders?

An ordinary red-eared slider, for instance, can get 10 to 12 inches long when they grow up. Proceeding with your betta-turtle plan with a tank that’s too small is ruthless for your fish. Your bettas will have to face repeated aggressive confrontations from the turtle.

Can guppies live with turtles?

The turtle will most likely eat the guppies, or at the very least, try to. Best not to keep them together especially if you don’t know where the guppies were bred as they can make the turtle sick.

Can snails live with turtles?

Yes, you can add snail to your turtle tank. Aside from being a nutritional source for your turtle, snails contribute to the hygienic upkeep of the tank. Still, there is a definite possibility that the snail (depending on its size, the turtle’s temperament, and dietary preferences) could end up eaten by the turtle.

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Will turtles eat ghost shrimp?

The one catch to keeping ghost shrimp in a turtle tank is that eventually, the turtles will eat them. The shrimp are pretty good at evading the turtles, but eventually they’ll get caught off-guard and become turtle food.