
What kind of tissues undergo meiosis?

What kind of tissues undergo meiosis?

In humans, special cells called germ cells undergo meiosis and ultimately give rise to sperm or eggs.

Where does meiosis occur in plants and animals?

germ cells
In animals mitosis occurs in somatic cells and meiosis in germ cells during gamete formation, in plants mitosis occurs in all except those which produce spores by meiosis.

Does meiosis occur in plant and animal cells?

Meiosis occurs in all animals and plants. The end result, the production of gametes with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell, is the same, but the detailed process is different. In animals, meiosis produces gametes directly.

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What kinds of tissues undergo mitosis?

Three types of cells in the body undergo mitosis. They are somatic cells, adult stem cells, and the cells in the embryo. Somatic cells – Somatic cells are the regular cells in the body of multicellular organisms.

What occurs in plant and animal cells mitosis or meiosis?

Plant’s vegetative cell division occurs by mitosis and gametes are produced by meiosis. Plant cells form a new cell wall in between the two cells. The new cell wall is identified as the cell plate. The formation of the cell plate occurs in several stages.

Do plant cells undergo meiosis?

When plants reproduce asexually, they use mitosis to produce offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant. When plants reproduce sexually, they use meiosis to produce haploid cells that have half the genetic information of the parent (one of every chromosome).

Do plants use meiosis?

Plants alternate between diploid-cell plants and haploid-cell plants. The diploid sporophyte produces haploid spores by meiosis. The haploid spores go through mitosis, developing into the haploid gametophyte.

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How significant is mitosis and meiosis in plants and animals?

The spores begin to grow by mitosis, developing into multicellular haploid organisms called gametophytes. During that break, a separate little haploid plant grows. Gametophytes produce gametes by mitosis. In animals, meiosis produces sperm and egg, but in plants, meiosis occurs to produce the gametophyte.

Where in a plant does meiosis occur?

In flowering plants, meiosis occurs in megaspore mother cells (megasporocytes) within the ovules of ovaries, and in microspore mother cells (microsporocytes) within the anthers of stamens.

Does mitosis and meiosis occur in plant?

Yes, plants also undergo mitosis and meiosis similar to animal cells. Mitosis is required for growth, asexual reproduction and regeneration. Daughter cells produced by mitosis are identical to the parent cell.