
What kinds of fish can live with a betta?

What kinds of fish can live with a betta?

Best Betta Fish Tank Mates: What Fish Can Live With Bettas?

  • Cory catfish.
  • Neon and ember tetras.
  • Ghost shrimp.
  • African dwarf frogs.
  • Guppies.
  • Kuhli loaches.

Can you put any fish in with a betta?

Betta fish are naturally territorial and should not be housed with any other betta fish because they will fight and injure each other, often resulting in death. They are unlikely to get lonely in their tank; however, if they are in a small tank, they may get bored.

What tiny fish can live with bettas?

List Of Fish That Can Live With Bettas (For Those Short On Time)

  • Ember Tetras.
  • Guppies (Under Certain Conditions)
  • Platies.
  • Harlequin Rasboras.
  • Lambchop Rasboras.
  • Dwarf Rasboras.
  • Pygmy Corys.
  • Bronze (Common) Corys.
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Is 5 gallons enough for a betta?

The ideal sized tank for a betta is 5 gallons or larger for a single male or female betta. In a tank smaller than 5 gallons, your betta won’t live out his full life span. In an aquarium, a betta should live for 3 to 5 years. In a cramped 2.5-gallon tank, your betta won’t live as long.

Can 2 female betta fish live together?

Unlike male betta fish, female betta fish can live together comfortably in the same tank. When they live together, the cohort is called a ‘sorority’. Generally, a good number to keep together is 4-6 female betta fish. Often, plants or aquarium decorations can serve as good hiding places for betta fish.

Can I put neon tetra with Betta?

Neon Tetras & Bettas Neon tetras can be a great addition to your tank and a great tank mate for your betta. If you plan on adding neon tetras to your tank you’re going to need at least 6, but 10-12 is the ideal amount. At 10-12 their stress levels will be minimal as they’ll be in a good size school.

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What fish can live with a betta in a 3.5 gallon tank?

The best tank mates for a Betta fish are peaceful bottom-dwellers such as the Pygmy Corydoras or dwarf schooling fish that are fast enough to discourage chasings. Good examples of the latter are the Rummy-nose Tetra, the Least Rasbora, and the Pristella Tetra.

Can angelfish live with bettas?

Keeping angelfish and bettas together is going to be extremely risky, and it’s not recommended. If you are going to introduce the two fish together keep an eye on them and be prepared to move your betta to another tank if you see aggression. Angelfish are naturally aggressive and territorial just like bettas.

Is a 1 gallon tank good for a betta?

Answer: Yes, a one-gallon tank is certainly better for a betta than the small cups where they live in the fish store. A one-gallon tank is also better for a betta than a mud puddle, a glass of lemonade or a washing machine. Just because it is better doesn’t mean it is ideal or correct.