
What language family does Samoa belong to?

What language family does Samoa belong to?

Samoan is from the Austronesian family of languages. It is closely related to other Polynesian languages, especially Tongan.

Is Samoan an isolating language?

As is the case in all Austronesian languages, Samoan is an isolating language in which words are not inflected. They consist of roots and particles that are added to roots to indicate grammatical functions.

What is the main language in Samoa?

Samoa/Official languages

Where did Samoan language originated from?

Samoan Islands
Samoan language

Native to Samoan Islands
Ethnicity Samoans
Native speakers 510,000 (2015)
Language family Austronesian Malayo-Polynesian Oceanic Polynesian Samoic Samoan–Tokelauan Samoan

Who wrote the Samoan language?

Pratt was the first person to document the Samoan language. He authored the first grammar and dictionary of the language, A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language, with English and Samoan Vocabulary, which was first printed in 1862 at the Samoa Mission Press.

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What does the Samoan word USO mean?

In Samoan, “Uso” means brother.

What countries speak Samoan?

Samoan speaking countries

Country Region Distribution
New Zealand Australia/New Zealand 2.0 \%
Samoa Polynesia 47.5 \%
American Samoa Polynesia 90.6 \%
Tokelau Polynesia 19.8 \%

What do you call a Samoan girl?

Samoan Translation. teine. More Samoan words for girls. teineiti.

What does OSU mean in Samoan?

Uso is the Samoan word for either brother or sister, depending on your gender. In the Samoan language, if you are female, your uso is your sister.