
What makes a person seem intimidating?

What makes a person seem intimidating?

People can be intimidated for many reasons, such as reputation, body and verbal language, unpredictability, reputation or uncertainty about the value they have to the other person. Tune in to exactly why you’re uncomfortable. You might have some personal work to do as much as the person who intimidates you does.

What are the examples of intimidation?

Some common examples of workplace intimidation include:

  • Physical violence or threats.
  • Yelling or screaming.
  • Hostile physical posturing.
  • Ridiculing or insulting you in front of coworkers or customers.
  • Intentionally assigning tasks outside your expertise.

Is it bad to be intimidating?

Being intimidating isn’t all bad. Often, your personality can be misconstrued through other people’s judgements and preconceived notions. Still, there may be certain situations where you want to be more in control of how you’re perceived.

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How do you develop an intimidating personality?

Making yourself seem as tall and confident as possible will make you seem more intimidating, so be sure to practice good posture. You can even lean forward a bit when communicating with others. Fill the space. Whenever you are sitting, standing, or walking, try and take up as much space as possible.

How do I stop intimidating people?

If you don’t want to seem intimidating, there’s a lot you can do even when your clock is ticking away.

  1. Look for what others do well and congratulate them on their accomplishments; be truthful but humble about your own.
  2. Ask others how you can help and support their interests.
  3. Genuinely wish others luck.

What’s the opposite of intimidating?

What is the opposite of intimidating?

approachable attractive
welcoming tempting
agreeable kind
undaunting hospitable

What does it mean when a guy says you’re intimidating?

It means she’s armed with weapons: So, if a guy says he finds you “intimidating,” tell him that he shouldn’t be so afraid of getting to know you. You don’t bite! And if you find yourself in a situation where you’re intimidated by someone, I say break through that initial fear, and just go say hello.