
What makes Infp unhappy?

What makes Infp unhappy?

It’s not social contact INFPs crave — it’s mutual human understanding. They want to peek into another person’s world, thoughts, and emotions. They want to understand what other people are struggling with and what makes them tick. Without close relationships based on mutual understanding, INFPs will be unhappy.

Are Infp loners?

INFPs feel alone sometimes even when they are surrounded by people, and this can be something they battle with and don’t fully understand themselves. They experience this loneliness even when they are around people who love them, because they still don’t feel like they are unconditionally appreciated and cared for.

What happens to INFPs when they are sad?

Even when they or someone they know is going through a rough time, many INFPs retain a strong underlying belief that things are going to end up the way they should, giving them hope amidst sadness. Their emotional intensity often means that when INFPs get low, they sink very deep.

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Why do INFJ’s invite sadness?

INFJS invite sadness because we understand it. And it understands us. We connect deeply with those souls that go through similar feelings as we do. Consider our empathy and authenticity, and you’ll understand why INFJs are the perfect counselors. We see emotions many are afraid to feel. Unfortunately, not many notice things the way we do.

What are INFPs like as people?

INFPs are fantastic at putting themselves in other people’s shoes, often doing so without even consciously thinking about it or being asked. Because of this, we can experience a lot of “secondhand sadness.”

Can INFPs be too altruistic?

INFP can also be too Altruistic. Altruism refers to giving as much to other people as possible to make their lives better. INFP may see themselves as selfish, and give much more than they are actually capable. This causes the INFP to push themselves too far to commit to a chosen cause or person, forget to take care of themselves in the process.