
What must be considered when choosing a landfill site?

What must be considered when choosing a landfill site?

The most widely used factors for selecting a landfill site are groundwater depth, surface water vicinity, elevation, land slope, soil permeability, soil stability, flooding susceptibility, lithology and stratification, faults, land use type, nearby settlements and urbanization, cultural and protected site vicinity.

What are the options that a waste collection authority should consider when choosing waste collection vehicles?

Reliability, service, and weight distribution are the keys to the right collection vehicle. The right truck not only gets the job done, it also saves the owner or operator time and money.

What should be avoided while choosing a landfill site?

The landfill site should not be at locations where suitable buffer zones between land fill site and population are not available. The landfill area having steep gradient (where stability of slope could be problematic) should not be selected.

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What are landfills What factors must be kept in mind while planning a landfill?

Explanation: Factors that should be considered when choosing a landfill are topographic relief, location of the water table, amount of precipitation, type of rock and soil and location of the disposal zone in the surface water and groundwater flow systems.

What is the need of on site storage of MSW?

Onsite storage means the temporary collection of waste at the household level. It is important that waste is stored in proper containers. These could be baskets, preferably made from locally available materials, plastic buckets or metal containers (Figure 22.2).

What are the factors affecting waste collection system?

Following are the factors affecting solid waste management system, its design, development, and operation:

  • Institutional Factors.
  • Social Factors.
  • Financial Factors.
  • Economic Factors.
  • Technical Factors.
  • Environmental Factors.

What is sanitary landfill dumping?

The sanitary landfill is a method of disposing waste on land without disturbing the environment and public health by efficiently utilizing engineering skills to confine them in the smallest practical area possible, before reducing the volume by covering with a layer of earth to ensure the least exposure to the air.

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What are some new technologies that can use landfill materials for energy?


  • Thermal Technologies.
  • Direct Combustion (Mass Burn and RDF)
  • Pyrolysis.
  • Conventional Gasification.
  • Plasma Arc Gasification.

What kind of waste are suitable for waste to energy plants?

Most waste-to-energy plants burn municipal solid waste, but some burn industrial waste or hazardous waste. A modern, properly run waste-to-energy plant sorts material before burning it and can co-exist with recycling. The only items that are burned are not recyclable, by design or economically, and are not hazardous.