
What percentage of ROTC cadets go active duty?

What percentage of ROTC cadets go active duty?

In 2017, ROTC graduates constituted 58.5 percent of newly commissioned active-duty U.S. Army officers, 3.0 percent of newly commissioned U.S. Marine Corps officers (through NROTC), 21.4 percent of newly commissioned U.S. Navy officers and 31.1 percent of newly commissioned U.S. Air Force officers, for a combined 36.9 …

How do I get active duty from ROTC?

Pass AFROTC Physical Fitness Test. Be admitted to a school offering AFROTC. Have qualifying Air Force Officer Qualification Test scores. Be commissioned and enter active duty before age 39 (To receive a scholarship, you must be under age 31 on December 31 of the commissioning year).

Do you join the military after ROTC?

No. Students who enroll in ROTC don’t join the Army. They take an ROTC class for which they receive credit. It’s considered a college elective.

Do you get deployed after ROTC?

No, it is Army policy that Cadets cannot be deployed while enrolled in ROTC. Only after commissioning as an officer after college graduation and then completing nearly a year of advanced training will someone become eligible to deploy.

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Do all ROTC cadets get active duty?

“Unlike Army ROTC, all Air Force ROTC cadets are guaranteed active duty,” Lt. Col. Each year about 2,000 AFROTC cadets commission as active duty officers. Of the four commissioning TCU AFROTC cadets, Strategic Communication major Danielle Devoto, made the decision to apply for Air National Guard through that program.

Do ROTC cadets go active duty?

Following graduation, ROTC cadets are required to serve in the active Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserve. All graduates are required to serve in the military for a period of eight years. Cadets who graduate with Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty serve their full eight-year obligation in the reserve components.

Can ROTC cadets go active duty?

Our College Program (non-scholarship) students are obligated for three years of active duty after graduation. They accept the obligation at the beginning of their junior year if accepted to Advanced Standing status.