
What Pokemon is best against Geodude?

What Pokemon is best against Geodude?

Geodude is a Rock/Ground type Pokémon, which makes it especially weak against Water and Grass moves, and weak against Fighting, Ground, Steel and Ice moves….The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Geodude are:

  • Kingler,
  • Kyogre,
  • Zarude,
  • Roserade,
  • Rillaboom.

How do you beat a Geodude?

Search Pokémon, Pokédex # or Move: If you are looking for the best ways to defeat Geodude in Pokemon Go, you’ve come to the right place! This guide will teach you how to successfully win battles against Geodude by exploiting its Type weakness(es).

What beats Golem in Pokemon Go?

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Golem are:

  • Kingler,
  • Kyogre,
  • Zarude,
  • Roserade,
  • Rillaboom.
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What Pokemon should I use against Graveler?

The best Pokemon Go Graveler counters are Mega Blastoise, Shadow Swampert, Mega Gyarados, Mega Venusaur, Shadow Tangrowth & Shadow Torterra.

What is Pachirisu weak against?

Pachirisu is a Electric type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Ground moves.

What is Eevee weak to?

FightingEevee / Weakness

What is a good CP Geodude?

Geodude stats Ground type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. It has a max CP of 1462, with the following stats in Pokémon GO: 132 ATK, 132 DEF and 120 STA. Geodude’s best moves in Pokémon GO are Tackle and Rock Slide (6.92 DPS).

Is Geodude good fire red?

Geodude is quite an interesting Pokémon. While not the absolute game-breaking monster that the Geodude line is notorious for being in the Johto games, the Geodude line is a quite solid choice in a Nuzlocke of FireRed or LeafGreen thanks to its good physical stats, nice typing, and early attainability.

What should I use vs Giovanni?

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The most commonly used strategy to take down Giovanni is to use a high-CP Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch. This will deal super effective damage against his Persian, and it will quickly build up your charge move bar. Use the charge moves as soon as you can to get rid of Giovanni’s two shields.

What is Persian good against?

Persian. Weak to Fighting, resist Ghost. Persian uses Dark and Normal fast moves, and it uses Dark, Rock or Fairy charge moves. This combination makes Tyranitar, Terrakion and Machamp the best counters to Persian.

What is good against Blitzle?

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Blitzle are:

  • Landorus (Therian),
  • Excadrill,
  • Groudon,
  • Garchomp,
  • Rhyperior.