
What qualifications do you need to teach philosophy?

What qualifications do you need to teach philosophy?

In addition to a bachelor’s degree, you must complete a doctorate in philosophy. While pursuing your doctorate., you take a variety of courses related to the subject and different schools of philosophical thought and gain practical teaching experience through teaching assistant positions.

Can I become a teacher with a philosophy degree?

Philosophy courses are not yet common in high schools but more and more schools are offering them, and others would do so if they had qualified faculty. Increasing attention is also being given to courses in Critical Thinking, which philosophy graduates are especially well suited to teach.

What degree do you need to be a teacher UK?

Becoming a teacher in England To teach in a state school in England, you must have a degree, and gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) by following a programme of Initial Teacher Training (ITT). You must have achieved minimum requirements in GCSE English, maths, and science if you wish to teach at primary-level.

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What careers are in philosophy?

Jobs for philosophy majors include a lawyer, systems analyst, cultural affairs officer, technical writer, and a critic.

Why philosophy should not be taught?

According to Ask Philosophy, the subject is avoided in schools because it encourages revolution. Schools, and the 9–5-day jobs they lead into, are incredibly rigid. They encourage you to do so as your told, follow rules, and take what you are told by your teacher as fact. Philosophy is detrimental to this structure.

Can I train to be a teacher without a degree?

To become a teacher without a degree is certainly possible, although you’re going to have to acquire some training, experience or qualifications. In this article, we discuss the possibilities of becoming a teacher without a degree, the teaching qualifications you can acquire and the different schools you might work at.

Can I become a PE teacher without a degree?

However, some types of schools are allowed to employ teaching staff who are not formally qualified, so in theory it is possible to get into the profession without going to university – though the odds are very much against it. Getting a degree doesn’t have to mean three years at university.

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How do I start my own philosophy?


  1. Start with around 25 words. If it feels right at the length, okay.
  2. Write it down and read it repeatedly. Does it sound right?
  3. If one of your most intimate relationships heard your personal philosophy, would they agree with what you’ve written?
  4. Ask yourself why.