
What rating fuse should I use?

What rating fuse should I use?

If it’s a rewireable type plug and the original fuse size fitted by the manufacturer is not known, the recommended method is to use the 700W rule: For an appliance rated as 700W or less, a 3A fuse should be fitted. For appliances above 700W, a 13A fuse should be fitted.

What happens if the fuse amperage rating is too high?

What happens if the fuse has a rating higher than the permitted rating of the wiring? Then the fuse will not blow out even the current rises above the permitted value. Such a fuse remains the circuit close and allows the current to flow beyond the limit permitted to the wiring or other components.

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Can I use a 5A fuse instead of 3A?

If you replace it with a 5A fuse you will lose part of the protection the 3A fuse was intended to provide. In case of a failure of the device the fuse is suppose to protect, the result of using a larger fuse could be to damage the device to the extent that it could not be repaired. It could also start a fire.

What size amp fuse do I need?

The correct size of fuse to use depends on the amp you are wiring. If your amp has an internal fuse, then your inline car amp fuse should be a bit larger. For instance, if your amp has an internal 20 amp fuse, then you should go for a 25 or 30 amp inline fuse.

What are 5A fuses used for?

5A Fuse. Used mainly for lighting circuits.

How many volts is a 5 amp fuse?

250 volt 5 amp 250 volt fuse.

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What size fuse do I need for a 700 watt motor?

For appliances above 700W, a 13A fuse should be fitted. One complication of using the 700W rule is that some appliances can draw a higher current when they are first switched on (inrush current). Electric motors for example can draw several times their normal load.

What size fuse do I need for my Plug?

All UK moulded plugs (BS1363) must have the fuse rating marked on them. If it’s a rewireable type plug and the original fuse size fitted by the manufacturer is not known, the recommended method is to use the 700W rule: For an appliance rated as 700W or less, a 3A fuse should be fitted. For appliances above 700W, a 13A fuse should be fitted.

Can I use the fuse rating recommended by the manufacturer?

However in most cases we can assume that the manufacturer has fitted the correct size cable and corresponding fuse, in which case the fuse rating recommended by the manufacturer should be used. If the appliance has a moulded (non-rewireable) plug fitted, the easiest way is to check the markings on the plug.

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What size fuse do I need for a BS1363 plug?

All UK moulded plugs (BS1363) must have the fuse rating marked on them. If it’s a rewireable type plug and the original fuse size fitted by the manufacturer is not known, the recommended method is to use the 700W rule: For an appliance rated as 700W or less, a 3A fuse should be fitted.