
What score do you need to get a job at the post office?

What score do you need to get a job at the post office?

Postal exams 474, 475, 476 & 477 are used to fill over 95\% of all entry level jobs. The highest possible score on these exams is 100, and 70 is passing. Putting this altogether, you need a score as close to 100 as you can possibly manage.

How is the USPS test graded?

Test 473 requires a minimum score of 70. Acceptable test scores range from 70 to 100 and are called the basic rating. Veterans’ Preference Act of 1944 requirements may add points to the basic rating. If points are added, the basic rating is called the final rating.

How does seniority work at the post office?

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Seniority will be established as follows: An employee that returns from a position outside the Postal Service begins a new period of seniority. An employee that returned to the craft would regain the seniority the employee had in the craft without credit for the time spent outside the craft.

What does it mean when you are on the hiring list for USPS?

The better your score on the postal exam, the better chance for an interview and to be hired. Hiring list is the list of applicants for any given position that ranks the applicants in order from their test and any additional points including veterans preference.

How hard is it to pass the post office exam?

USPS exams are fairly straightforward, but with a failure rate as high as 90 percent, it’s worth investing some time into your preparation. Get familiar with the types of questions you’ll be asked and take practice tests. With the right preparation, you’re sure to succeed!

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What is PTF in post office?

PTF: Is guaranteed 2 hours of work (or pay in lieu of work), when requested or scheduled to work. FTR: Receives 10 paid holidays per year. FTR in a NTFT Duty Assignment: Receives 8 hours of holiday pay regardless of the amount of hours of their regular schedule.

What is the USPS pay scale?

USPS Postal Salary in California

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $73,732 $35
75th Percentile $45,222 $22
Average $42,306 $20
25th Percentile $26,543 $13