
What should I bring to the Citadel?

What should I bring to the Citadel?

All cadets must bring the following articles:

  • One pair of conservative style pajamas (optional)
  • Twelve white cotton, crew-neck tee shirts.
  • Twelve pairs of white underwear – at least 4 pairs of jockey shorts (male)
  • Twelve pairs of white cotton panties (female)
  • One pair of long johns.

What is the fourth class system at the Citadel?

The Fourth Class System creates the discipline and instills the core values of Honor, Duty, and Respect which is expected of principled leaders in all walks of life. In each stage, the cadet learns new skills and has increased responsibilities that collectively work together to produce principled leaders.

What can I expect at the Citadel?

They receive their uniforms and rifles, have their hair shorn, report to their barracks and attend academic orientation and military training. During this time, upperclass cadets instruct knobs in the basics of military training and discipline.

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How strict is the Citadel?

As a classic military college, The Citadel emphasizes a strict indoctrination for all fourth-class cadets who are called “knobs.” Despite challenges, cadets value their first year for the lessons in teamwork, self- discipline and time management.

Is The Citadel a good school?

For the 10th consecutive year, The Citadel maintains the distinction of being ranked the #1 Top Public School in the South offering up to a master’s degree by U.S. News & World Report. The Citadel is ranked #2 overall in the South when private and public institutions are combined.

How hard is The Citadel knob year?

The Citadel is not for everyone. Freshmen year also known as “Knob” year is the toughest year at the Citadel. The reason why it is so difficult is becasue you are required to do unnecessary things. If you are a person that can not manage time or responsable then again The Citadel is not for you.

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Is there still hazing at The Citadel?

Physical hazing of first-year students, known as knobs for their extremely short haircuts, has been entrenched at The Citadel for decades. The school has made strong efforts to stop hazing among the Corps in recent years, requiring all cadets to take classes on proper behavior.

What are The Citadel School Colors?

The Citadel/Colors

Do you have to wear a uniform at The Citadel?

Required: Cadets are required to wear appropriate cadet uniform when not on furlough or approved leave, unless an exception has been granted by Commandant. 2.

Is The Citadel a Navy school?

The Citadel is home to Enlisted Commissioning Programs for the Navy and Marine Corps. The first Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP) in the nation was established at The Citadel in 1973. Navy enlisted members attend as part of the Seaman to Admiral (STA-21) Program.

How many cadets are in the Citadel?

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2,300 students
Founded in 1842, The Citadel has an undergraduate student body of about 2,300 students who make up the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. Another 1,000 students attend The Citadel Graduate College, a civilian evening and online program that offers graduate and professional degrees as well as undergraduate programs.