
What should I study for TCS placement?

What should I study for TCS placement?

Important Tips to prepare for TCS Aptitude Test:

  1. Email writing. As far as the email writing test is concerned, ensure that you strictly adhere to the directions.
  2. Quantitative ability. This is a multiple-choice round with a mix of logic and arithmetic questions.
  3. Programming language proficiency.
  4. Coding test.
  5. Time management.

What is TCS paper?

The TCS Placement exam would include questions from verbal ability, Reasoning, Numerical ability, Programming logic, and coding. What will the TCS placement exam pattern be? The TCS Placement exam will be conducted in two sections. The first section will be Cognitive skills, and the second will be Programming.

What is the pattern of TCS placement papers?

This section comprises of questions on Averages, Time and Distance, Functions, Geometry. Time and Work, Mixtures and Allegations, Algebra, Percentages, Ratios, and Number System….TCS Selection Process:

Section Number of Questions Time allotted (in mins)
Quantitative 20 40
Programming Logic 10 20
Coding 1 20
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What is TCS Nqt paper?

TCS NQT Detailed Paper Pattern for 2022:-

TCS NQT Section No of Questions Total Time
Verbal 24 30 mins
Logical 30 50 mins
Programming Logic 10 15 mins
Coding 2 15 mins/30 mins

Is there negative marks in TCS Nqt?

For MCQ based Questions in TCS NQT Exam, Negative Marking is not applicable.

What is the syllabus for TCS exam 2021?

TCS NQT Syllabus 2021

Subject Book Name
Numerical Ability Quantitative Aptitude Numerical Ability
Reasoning Ability A New Approach towards Reasoning
Logical Reasoning for Common Aptitude Test
Reasoning Ability for Competitive Exams