
What staff roles should I add to my Discord server?

What staff roles should I add to my Discord server?

Good role names for your Discord server

  • Owner.
  • Co-Owner.
  • Head Admin.
  • Admin.
  • Head Mod.
  • Mod.
  • Assistant Mod.
  • Helper.

What are some good rules for a Discord server?

Good Discord server rules

  • Be respectful, civil, and welcoming.
  • No inappropriate or unsafe content.
  • Do not misuse or spam in any of the channels.
  • Do not join the server to promote your content.
  • Any content that is NSFW is not allowed under any circumstances.
  • Do not buy/sell/trade/give away anything.

What type of Discord server has the most members?

The most popular Discord servers

Rank Server Name Members
1 Fortnite 827,000
2 Genshin Impact 800,000
2 Minecraft 800,000
2 Valorant 800,000
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What is OG role in discord?

OG User Roles has several settings to allow you to define and assign a default role to users who either sign up to your site or subscribe to your group: Default Non-Group Role for new users. Use this setting to define a role to be assigned to ALL new users who sign up to your site.

Do you have to be 13 to use discord?

Discord’s Terms of Service requires people to be over a minimum age to access our app or website. The minimum age to access Discord is 13, unless local legislation mandates an older age.

How do I get a bigger discord server?

5 Ways to Grow Your Discord Server

  1. Be active within your community.
  2. Make your server focused on a subject that people mostly like.
  3. Advertise your server on server listing websites/other discord servers.
  4. Spread the word.
  5. Advertise it on Advertise Your Server.

How do I make my discord colorless?

Role Color There are 21 color buttons, clicking on them will change the role’s color. The leftmost button is light grey, and clicking on it will make the role’s color the default (so no color will be associated with the role). There is also a color picker which can be used to pick any color.

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How do I make my role color invisible?

Invisible Role Color You can make an invisible role in discord by switching its color to match the background of the role interface. That way, people will only see the name of the role but not the border around it.