
What system did Knights of the Old Republic use?

What system did Knights of the Old Republic use?

d20 System
Set 3,956 years before A New Hope, Knights of the Old Republic covers the era just after that of the Tales of the Jedi comics, the time of the ancient Galactic Republic. KotOR is the first computer RPG set in the Star Wars universe. It uses the d20 System, from the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Roleplaying Game rules.

How long did it take to make KotOR?

At this point, the game had been in development for around six months. “Preproduction started in 2000, but the discussions started back in 1999,” LucasArts’ Mike Gallo said, “The first actual e-mails were in October or November of ’99. That’s when we first started talking to BioWare.

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Is Star Wars Old Republic the same as KotOR?

Knights of the Old Republic is a critically acclaimed RPG franchise that is one the most highly regarded games in the Star Wars community. If you loved the Mass Effect series, you’ll love Knights of the Old Republic. They both share the same developer: Bioware. Their overall narratives are nearly the same too.

How long does it take to beat Knights of the Old Republic?


Single-Player Polled Average
Main Story 310 28h 49m
Main + Extras 684 36h 56m
Completionists 216 48h 15m
All PlayStyles 1.2K 36h 52m

Are you Revan in Kotor?

In KOTOR, Revan is a former Sith who suffers from amnesia and is brainwashed by the Jedi to serve their cause. KOTOR’s big twist – and most famous moment – is when this is made known to the player late in the game, at a time when Revan is thought to be dead. Its founder was Revan.

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Can you romance Mira?

You can’t. There was never a Mira romance as far as I’m aware, she always rejects you. And even if she didn’t, the “romances” in KOTOR 2 are barely present at all, so it wouldn’t be very substantial even then.

Can you recruit handmaiden as a female?

In vanilla KOTOR2, for instance, only male characters can recruit The Handmaiden upon leaving Telos, while female characters are the only ones who can recruit The Disciple during the main quest on Dantooine.

How long is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

When focusing on the main objectives, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is about 29 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 46½ Hours to obtain 100\% completion.