
What type of economic thinking did Milton Friedman oppose?

What type of economic thinking did Milton Friedman oppose?

Friedman opposed the Keynesian view that “money does not matter,” instead promoting the theory that changes in the money supply affect real economic activity in the short run and the price level in the long run.

Why did Milton Friedman oppose the gold standard?

Friedman and Gold. First of all, he also criticized the gold standard, and supported the idea of elastic money. In other words, Friedman believed that the central bank should increase the money supply along with the economic growth, while gold standard puts constraints on the money supply.

Did Milton Friedman support regulation?

Adam Smith and Milton Friedman are famous for championing Laissez Faire, yet both supported government regulation of the banking system.

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What’s wrong with right-to-work laws?

Right-to-work laws do not improve business conditions in states. Right to work is not a deciding factor in where businesses locate. favor states where unions have a strong presence, because unions provide a highly skilled workforce and decrease turnover. Communities lose jobs when wages are lowered by right to work.

Was Milton Friedman a liberal?

Friedman concludes Capitalism and Freedom with his “classical liberal [sic]” stance that government should stay out of matters that do not need and should only involve itself when absolutely necessary for the survival of its people and the country.

Does Milton Friedman support right-to-work laws?

Supporters of right-to-work laws cast the issue in terms of individual rights. They will have to confront the fact that Milton Friedman, an acknowledged champion of human freedom, consistently opposed outlawing contracts that compel employees to pay dues to unions.

What are Milton Friedman’s arguments for and against corporate social responsibility?

One of Friedman’s main arguments for excluding Corporate Social Responsibility from business stems from his views on the ethical spending: 5 People’s money on yourself—little incentive to economise; People’s money on other people— the role of government and Corporate Social Responsibility programs.

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What does Michigan’s right-to-work law mean?

On December 11 the governor of Michigan, a bastion of organized labor, signed a right-to-work law. Along with similar measures previously enacted in 23 other states, the legislation prohibits contracts that make payment of union dues a condition of employment. The media coverage has loosely referred to such contracts as “closed-shop” arrangements.

What is Milton Friedman’s definition of a good Corporation?

A good corporation in Milton Friedman’s view is not one that undertakes activities only because they are ethically sound, but because they are economically viable. One of Friedman’s main arguments for excluding Corporate Social Responsibility from business stems from his views on the ethical spending: 5