
What vegetables grow best in Virginia?

What vegetables grow best in Virginia?

Best crops for Virginia gardens

  • Beans: If you’re in a cooler area, you can start beans indoors in May and transplant them outdoors in July.
  • Beets: Plant beets outside in May and August for cooler regions.
  • Broccoli: Plant broccoli outside in May and August.
  • Cabbage: Plant cabbage outside in June in cooler areas.

When should I plant my garden in Richmond VA?

When to Plant Vegetables in Richmond, Virginia

Crop Sow seeds indoors Transplant seedlings into the garden
Spinach Feb 21 – Mar 6 Apr 3 – Apr 17
Sweet Potatoes n/a May 1 – May 22
Tomatoes Feb 21 – Mar 6 May 1 – May 15
Watermelon n/a n/a

What fruits and vegetables grow best in Virginia?

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Virginia farmers grow many different types of fruits and vegetables. Commercial growers produce cabbage, cucumbers, string beans, sweet corn, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, watermelon, apples, peaches and wine grapes.

What can I plant in April in Virginia?

April is the time to set out cool-weather crops such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce and onions. But we have to wait until the danger of frost has passed to transplant tender plants such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. Having trouble with plant markers fading?

When should I plant tomatoes in Virginia?

For gardeners in Virginia, the best time to plant tomatoes outside is in spring. Tomatoes do thrive when the weather is warm to reasonably hot. But when temperatures are too high it will have the opposite impact – tomato plants will produce very little to no fruit.

What grows well in VA?


  • Apples.
  • Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, and Raspberries)
  • Grapes.
  • Melons (Cantaloupes and Watermelons)
  • Other Fruits.
  • Peaches.
  • Processed Fruits.
  • Strawberries.
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When should I plant vegetables in Richmond VA?

When to Plant Vegetables in Richmond, Virginia. Do the same with lettuce and spinach. Sow peas directly around August 16. Now, for all the usual hot weather veggies like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around July 17.

What fruits and vegetables grow in Virginia?

1 Bush beans. Bush bean varieties that can be successfully produced in Virginia include Roma, Derby, Kentucky Wonder and Slenderette. 2 Broccoli. Broccoli varieties that do well in Virginia include Packman, Windsor and Green Goliath. 3 Carrots. 4 Cucumber. 5 Peas. 6 Turnip.

What are the best cucumbers to grow in Virginia?

Dasher, Everslice, Sweet Slice and County Fair are good cucumber varieties for Virginia. A trellis or form of support should be given if these are grown in containers. Turnips are best planted in the fall in Virginia. Varieties include Tokyo Cross, All top and Purple Top White Globe.

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What are some broccoli varieties that grow well in Virginia?

Broccoli varieties that do well in Virginia include Packman, Windsor and Green Goliath. Packman and Green Goliath varieties are planted in the spring, while Windsor is planted in the fall in low-lying areas and in the spring in mountainous areas.