
What was the name of the report that investigated the Kennedy assassination?

What was the name of the report that investigated the Kennedy assassination?

Warren Commission

The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Cover of final report
Established by on 29 November 1963
Related Executive Order number(s) 11130

What happened in the last episode of The Andy Griffith Show?

April 1, 1968
The Andy Griffith Show/Final episode date
The series finale aired on April 1, 1968, ending the show’s award-winning, viewer-captivating eight-year run. In it, Sam Jones, played by Ken Berry, sponsors Mario, his Army buddy, to come from Italy and help out on the farm. Mario brings his father, Bruno, and outgoing sister, Sophia along without asking Sam first.

What was Andy Griffith’s reputation?

Known for his Southern drawl, his characters with a folksy-friendly personality, and his gruff but friendly voice, Griffith was a Tony Award nominee for two roles, and gained prominence in the starring role in director Elia Kazan’s film A Face in the Crowd (1957) and No Time for Sergeants (1958) before he became better …

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Who was also wounded in John F Kennedy’s assassination?

Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Weapons 6.5×52mm Italian Carcano M91/38 (bolt-action rifle) 38 Smith & Wesson “Victory” Model 10 (revolver)
Deaths 2
Injured 2
Perpetrator Lee Harvey Oswald

Who was flip Conroy?

Rockne Tarkington
The episode featuring a black main character was titled “Opie’s Piano Lesson.” The black man who played Opie’s football coach was named Flip Conroy, played by Rockne Tarkington. Flip was a former professional football player who moved back to town to take over his father’s business.

Why did Barney leave the show?

Fife appeared on The Andy Griffith Show from the show’s beginning in 1960 until 1965, when Knotts left the show to pursue a career in feature films. It is explained that Fife had left Mayberry to take a job as a detective in Raleigh, North Carolina.