
What was the purpose of Destiny Stargate?

What was the purpose of Destiny Stargate?

Destiny (translated from its Ancient name) was designed to be a follow-up craft to numerous seeder ships which preceded it in the universe. These automated ships were sent out to gather data, resources, manufacture Stargates and deposit them on habitable worlds.

What happened to the crew of Destiny?

Long story short: the crew was thrown back in time, created a new civilization, got married and had kids, grew old, and died (“Epilogue”).

Why did the Ancients abandon Destiny?

The Ancient’s intention was to further their knowledge of the Universe, but they abandoned the project as they started researching into ascension. Nonetheless, the Destiny continued to go from planet to planet, system to system, galaxy to galaxy for tens of millions of years.

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What galaxy is Destiny in?

the Milky Way galaxy
Themes. Stargate Universe is set on the spaceship Destiny, which was launched by the race known as the Ancients from the Milky Way galaxy several million years ago. Several ships were sent ahead of it to seed the universe with Stargates.

What is the Stargate aboard the destiny?

The Stargate aboard the Destiny is a different, older design from the Stargates seen in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies. According to Dr. Nicholas Rush, the Stargate aboard Destiny is among the first of the Stargates ever created.

How did the dust bugs get through the gate to Hoth?

While Colonel Everett Young and Lt. Matthew Scott went to get water, the expedition discovered that a colony of Dust bugs from the desert planet had come through the gate and were feeding on the water to multiply. They successfully lured the creatures through the gate to Hoth while Scott and Young returned with fresh water.

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Why does tumbling out of the gate make sense?

In-universe, it’s been stated that an object in motion maintains its velocity and momentum when traveling through the gate, so tumbling out of the game makes sense when you originally jump or leap into it (as the team often does when in danger).

What happened to the destiny?

The Destiny was built in an orbital shipyard around Earth, and launched automatically. However, a small team of engineers Vasi’s Team, was stranded aboard due a malfunction, and, unable to leave the ship, put themselves in cryosleep. ( SGU: ” Back to Destiny 1 “)