
What was Voldemort looking for in the Department of Mysteries?

What was Voldemort looking for in the Department of Mysteries?

Voldemort wanting Sybill Trelawney’s first prophecy, therefore planting a false vision in Harry Potter’s mind in of Sirius Black being tortured in order to lure him to the Department of Mysteries.

Why does Voldemort helps Harry revive Hermione?

When Riddle sets the troll on Hermione, her death triggers Trelawney’s prophecy about Harry “tearing apart the very stars in heaven”. This prompts Riddle to revive Hermione with Harry’s help.

What happens to Sirius Black’s body?

In the film, Bellatrix hit Sirius with the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, killing him before he passes through the Veil. This presumably indicates that the body left the world of the living entirely when it fell through the veil.

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What did Voldemort want that he didn’t have before?

Dumbledore tells Harry (finally) at the end of Order of the Phoenix that this weapon Voldemort was seeking was “the knowledge of how to destroy you (Harry).” Dumbledore tells Harry (finally) at the end of Order of the Phoenix that this weapon Voldemort was seeking was “the knowledge of how to destroy you (Harry).”

Was Harry the chosen one?

He chose Harry based on the prophecy by Sybill Trelawney. The prophecy fit two children, Harry Potter & Neville Longbottom but Voldemort chose Harry. And thus Harry became the chosen one. It’s because Voldemort chose him.

What did Voldemort have to do with Ron and Hermione?

This will come as a surprise to most, but Voldemort never actually had anything to do with Ron and Hermione. Not only did they never interact, but there’s no indication that Voldemort was even aware of their existence as Harry’s best friends. And yet, through a background check on Harry, Voldemort could easily have learned about them.

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Why did Lord Voldemort lose the Second Wizarding War?

As Harry Potter’s main antagonist, Lord Voldemort lost the Second Wizarding War due to his own mistakes. Here’s how he could come have out on top. Voldemort displayed rather uneven personality traits during his time as the main antagonist in Harry Potter.

Where did Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort face off?

— Harry and Lord Voldemort face off in the Great Hall. Voldemort’s Last Stand, also known as Voldemort’s End, was the conflict that marked the end of the Battle of Hogwarts and by extension the Second Wizarding War. It took place at dawn on 2 May, 1998 in the Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle.

Could Dumbledore have defeated Voldemort if he survived?

Had Dumbledore survived, for at least one more year, then Lord Voldemort could have been defeated quicker. The Hogwarts headmaster was wise and chances are that he knew what the Dark Lord’s Horcruxes were before Harry did.