
What will be the RailTel listing price?

What will be the RailTel listing price?

RailTel Corporation has an exclusive right of way along 67,415 Kms connecting 7,321 railway stations….RailTel IPO Details.

IPO Opening Date Feb 16, 2021
IPO Price ₹93 to ₹94 per equity share
Market Lot 155 Shares
Min Order Quantity 155 Shares
Listing At BSE, NSE

What is listing price of IPO?

What Is Listing Price? IPO listing price refers to the opening price of a share when a company makes a debut on the stock exchange. The listing takes place after the three-day IPO when investors subscribe for the shares. The allocation of shares takes place after the IPO.

Is it good to buy RailTel IPO?

Company’s margins & return ratios are better compared to other telecom players in India. We expect a good listing for the Company. We are positive on the long term prospects of the industry as well the Company, we recommend “SUBSCRIBE” to the RailTel IPO for long term as well as for listing gains.”

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What is the GREY market premium of RailTel IPO?

While the company has fixed the IPO price band at Rs 165-175 apiece, the shares traded at a hefty premium of Rs 195-200, or 120 per cent, in the unofficial market.

What is RailTel IPO?

What is RailTel IPO? RailTel IPO is a main-board IPO of 87,153,369 equity shares of the face value of ₹10 aggregating up to ₹819.24 Crores. The issue is priced at ₹93 to ₹94 per equity share. The minimum order quantity is 155 Shares. The IPO opens on Feb 16, 2021, and closes on Feb 18, 2021.

Is IPO price same as listing price?

The issue price of an IPO is the price at which a company sells its shares. The listing price is the opening price of the share on the listing day.

How do I get RailTel shares?

Investors can go to the link (, select the issue type as equity and issue name as RailTel Corporation of India, when the allotment is declared. Investors then need to input their application number and PAN details to check if they have allotted any shares.

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Who is registrar of RailTel IPO?

KFin Technologies Private Limited
KFin Technologies Private Limited is the registrar of RailTel IPO and will manage share allocation and refund.