
What would happen if Ron Weasley died?

What would happen if Ron Weasley died?

If Ron died, well it would be Hermione being devastated and Harry would of course help his friend mourn him while doing so as well. And as a conclusion, Harry and Hermione would have ended up together as their love for each other would have grown because of the support they gave each other.

Why did Ron leave in the Deathly Hallows Part 1?

He left because J.K. Rowling wanted to RUIN every character that she didn’t KILL!!! He left because he’s an emotion git, who couldn’t handle the battle against you know who… VOLDEMORT! Because he was wearing the Horcrux locket that exacerbated all his negative character traits.

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What happens to Ron after Hermione dies?

Epilogue and later life Nineteen years after Voldemort’s death, Hermione and Ron have two children, Rose and Hugo. Though the epilogue does not explicitly say Hermione and Ron are married, news articles and other sources treat it as a fact. The two children are named Rose Granger-Weasley and Hugo Granger-Weasley.

Who is the poltergeist at Hogwarts?

Peeves. Peeves was a real nuisance — especially if you asked Argus Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker. Technically, he was a poltergeist, so Peeves dropped bins on people’s heads, pulled rugs out from under their feet and listened to nobody but the Bloody Baron (and, on one occasion, Fred and George).

What are the names of all the Weasley’s in Harry Potter?

Harry Potter: How Each Weasley is Supposed to Look Arthur. Arthur Weasley, the red-headed patriarch, was played with kindness and humor by actor Mark Williams. Molly. Molly Weasley, the matriarch and major force of nature, was played by Julie Walters in the Warner Brothers films. Bill. Charlie. Percy. Fred and George. Ron. Ginny.

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What is Ron Weasley’s and Hermione’s Patronus?

In Harry Potter, Ron’s patronus is a jack russel terrier, known for chasing otters; Hermione’s patronous is an otter. The otter was chosen for Hermione because it is part of the weasel family.

Is Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy related?

Basing knowledge on the movies alone, you’d think that there’s no way that Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley, who hate one another so much, could be related, but they very likely share some blood. That’s because they hail from pure-blood families, which only marry into other pure-blood families.