
When a particle of charge q is at rest it produces?

When a particle of charge q is at rest it produces?

Charge at rest only produces electric field.

What is the force on a stationary point charge q in a magnetic field B?

The magnitude of the force is F = qvB sinθ where θ is the angle < 180 degrees between the velocity and the magnetic field. This implies that the magnetic force on a stationary charge or a charge moving parallel to the magnetic field is zero.

When an electric charge Q is kept at rest in a magnetic field the Lorentz force is?

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When an electric charge q is kept at rest in a magnetic field , no force acts on it. This force is known as magnetic Lorentz force. →F=q(→v×→B) In general, if the charge is moving in both the electric and magnetic fields , the total force experienced by the charge is given by →F=q(→v×→B)+q→E .

What is the force acting on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field?

F = qvB sin θ, where θ is the angle between the directions of v and B. This force is often called the Lorentz force. In fact, this is how we define the magnetic field strength B—in terms of the force on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field.

What is the force on a unit charge moving with velocity v in presence of electric field E and magnetic field B?

Lorentz force, the force exerted on a charged particle q moving with velocity v through an electric field E and magnetic field B. The entire electromagnetic force F on the charged particle is called the Lorentz force (after the Dutch physicist Hendrik A. Lorentz) and is given by F = qE + qv × B.

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What is the stationary charge?

In case of a stationary charge there is no motion present in the charge hence there is no magnetic field produced. So, only an electric field is produced.

What is the force exerted by a stationary charge?

For a stationary charge v=0 , which implies that the force on a stationary charge in a magnetic field is zero.

What is the magnetic force exerted on a charged particle at rest in a magnetic field?

For what angle q the force acting on a charge moving through a uniform magnetic field is minimum?

Under what conditions is the force acting on a charge moving through a uniform magnetic field minimum? When a charge is moving parallel or antiparallel to the direction of the magnetic field, the force acting on the charged particle is zero or minimum.