
When OPC can converted into private limited company?

When OPC can converted into private limited company?

2 years
An OPC may convert itself into a private limited company after the expiry off 2 years from the date of incorporation. If there is more than one director is appointed in a company, then the board meeting will be required to be held to consider the proposal of conversion.

Which document are required for conversion of company from one category to another?

Certified true Copy (CTC) of Special Resolution passed in General Meeting; Certified true Copy of Notice along with Explanatory Statement to the Notice of Meeting; Certified true Copy of altered Memorandum of Associations (MOA) Certified true Copy of altered Articles of Associations (AOA)

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What is the procedure for conversion of OPC into private company?

Passing the Board Resolutions For converting an OPC to a private limited company, there should be at least 2 members and 2 directors. Furthermore, a board resolution should be passed for approving the alteration of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) of the OPC.

How can a public company be converted into a private company?

HOLD GENERAL MEETING AND PASS THE SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS UNDER SECTION 13 & 14 TO: The Company should duly hold a General meeting for the approval of Conversion of Public Company into Private Company. The consent for the Alteration in MoA and AoA should also be given through a special resolution.

What are the legal documents required to form a company?

9 Crucial Legal Documents Needed for your Business

  • 9 Necessary Legal Documents for a Business.
  • Memorandum of Understanding.
  • Registration of the Trademark.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements.
  • Employee Contracts Along with Offer Letters.
  • Shareholders Agreement.
  • The Service Agreement of Directors.
  • Business Plan.
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How can a public company be converted to a private company?


  1. The Company should duly hold a General meeting for the approval of Conversion of Public Company into Private Company.
  2. The consent for the Alteration in MoA and AoA should also be given through a special resolution.