
When the transistor is in the cutoff region it means that?

When the transistor is in the cutoff region it means that?

Whenever we observe the terminals of a BJT and see that the emitter-base junction is not at least 0.6-0.7 volts, the transistor is in the cutoff region. In cutoff, the transistor appears as an open circuit between the collector and emitter terminals. In the circuit above, this implies Vout is equal to 10 volts.

When an NPN transistor is in cut off if VCE is?

When the transistor is either in saturation or cutoff modes, it dissipates little power. When in cutoff, there is no current flow between collector and emitter thus P = Vce ∗ Ic = 0. When in saturation, the current may be high, but Vce is very small, keeping the power dissipated by the transistor very low.

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Which of the following is true for the cut off region in an NPN transistor?

Which of the following is true for the cut-off region in an npn transistor? Explanation: Both collector and emitter current are zero in cut-off region.

When a transistor operates as a closed switch it is in the region?

In which region a transistor acts as a closed switch? Explanation: In this mode, both the junctions are forward biased. The negative terminal of the battery is connected to the emitter. The collector current becomes independent of base current.

What do you mean by cut off in basic electronics?

In electronics, cut-off is a state of negligible conduction that is a property of several types of electronic components when a control parameter (that usually is a well-defined voltage or electric current, but could also be an incident light intensity or a magnetic field), is lowered or increased past a value (the …

Which of the following is true for a NPN transistor in active region?

4. Which of the following is true for the active region of an npn transistor? Explanation: The base current and the collector current are directly proportional to each other and the potential difference between the collector and the base is always less than 0.4 V.

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Which of the following is correct about transistor in active region?

Active region is that region in which the emitter base junction is forward biased while the collector base junction is reverse biased. So, the correct answer is “Option B”.