
When you see a railroad sign you should?

When you see a railroad sign you should?

Should stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks. This sign indicates that you are approaching a railroad crossing. You must look, listen, slow down, and prepare to stop. Wait for any trains to pass before you proceed.

How should you treat a railroad crossbuck sign?

The railroad crossbuck sign is placed at railroad crossings where the tracks cross the roadway. The crossbuck sign can be treated in the same manner as a YIELD sign: slow down, listen for trains and be prepared to stop if you see or hear a train approaching.

How are railroads marked on the pavement?

A stop line, an X and the letters RR may be painted on the pavement in front of railroad crossings. These markings warn you to be aware of the crossing ahead and to pay particular attention to the possible approach of a train.

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What are the 4 pavement markings at a railroad crossing?

Pavement Markings The MUTCD Section 8B. 27 provides that on paved roadways, pavement markings in advance of highway-rail crossings shall consist of an X, the letters RR, a NO PASSING marking on two-lane, two-way highways with centerline markings, and certain transverse lines, as shown in Figure 16.

Should a railroad crossbuck sign should be treated the same as a yield sign?

A crossbuck sign is a regulatory sign. Crossbuck signs indicate there is a railroad crossing. They should be treated similar to yield signs. If a train is approaching, the driver should never try to beat the train across the tracks.

How many feet should you stop before a railroad crossing?

50 feet
Stop, look and listen – Stop no closer than 15 feet and no farther than 50 feet from the crossing. Open windows and doors, look both ways carefully and look and listen for a train.

Are blue with white letters and symbols?

WARNING SIGNS normally are yellow and diamond-shaped, with black letters or symbols. DESTINATION SIGNS are green with white letters and symbols. SERVICE SIGNS are blue with white letters and symbols.