
Where can I find blogs to read?

Where can I find blogs to read?

For example, free blogs created at Blogger use within the URL. You can run a web search for that using Google’s inurl command (see the image above) to find all the sites that are hosted there. Tumblr is another blogging platform, and finding ones to read there is even easier.

What type of blogs are most popular?

Revealed: Which are the Most Popular Types of Blogs?

  1. Fashion Blogs. Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs on the internet.
  2. Food Blogs. Food blogs are another popular blog type.
  3. Travel Blogs. Travel blogs are becoming more popular each day.
  4. Music Blogs.
  5. Lifestyle Blogs.
  6. Fitness Blogs.
  7. DIY Blogs.
  8. Sports Blogs.

What is a good blog?

Most people can generally agree that a good blog is one that provides regular, relevant content. It can be informative, newsworthy, and/or entertaining, as long as it somehow enriches readers’ lives.

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How do I search for a blog on Google?

Access to Google blog search required the user be on a Google search page, then to click on “News” and then click the “Tools” button. A new menu bar then appeared below the “Tools” button, and to the left. Clicking the “All news” option made a dropdown menu appear, with the options of “All news” and “Blogs”.

What can I blog?

Don’t know what to blog about? Here are 81 blog topic and blog ideas to get you thinking on what to write about.

  • Self improvement / personal development (how you overcame some obstacle or started a new habit, and what you learned)
  • Health & fitness for busy people.
  • Learning a new language.

How do I get better at reading blogs?

You need to figure out which of the above it is and then work on it. If you seem to be lacking the patience to read blogs then start by reading small texts. Each day set a specific time out to read. Eventually your reading habit will build up momentum and you will be able to read quite a few blogs, articles, stories etc. each day.

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What makes a blogging writer popular?

These bloggers post engaging and useful content that attracts visitors. Popular blog writers know how to communicate with their target audience. Top-rated online blogs have plenty of traffic and build a community around them. Many blogs can become a lucrative source of income for talented bloggers.

What are the best 100 blogs to read by women?

100 Must Read Blogs…By Women! 1 News and Politics. Michelle Malkin Politically conservative award-winning powerhouse blogger. 2 Health & Fitness. 3 Business & Technology. 4 Fashion, Beauty & Design. 5 Lifestyle & Entertainment. 6 Humorous Commentary. 7 Environment and Green Living.

What are the best blogs to follow?

1. Types of Blogs 2. Common Elements 3. Great Blogs Have… 4. Awesome Blogs to Follow 5. Other Fun Blogs 1. Evernote 2. First Round Review 3. Entrepreneur 4. Michael Hyatt 5. Gary Vaynerchuk 6. Huffington Post 7. Buzzfeed 8. Mashable 9. The Onion 10. The A.V. Club 11. Coursera 12. Khan Academy 13. Udacity 15. Udemy 16. Be My Travel Muse 17.

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