
Where can I find datasets for R?

Where can I find datasets for R?

Free Datasets

  • World Bank Data – Literally hundreds of datasets spanning many decades, sortable by topic or country.
  • Gapminder – Hundreds of datasets on world health, economics, population, etc.
  • The Data Hub – Hosted by CKAN.
  • Datamob – List of public datasets.
  • Numbrary – Lists of datasets.

What datasets are available in R?

R Built-in Data Sets

  • mtcars: Motor Trend Car Road Tests.
  • iris.
  • ToothGrowth.
  • PlantGrowth.
  • USArrests.

How do I see all datasets in R?

Command data() will list all the datasets in loaded packages. The command data(phones) will load the data set phones into memory.

How can you add datasets in R?


  1. Create a R file named prefix_*.R in the R/ folder, where * is the name of the dataset.
  2. Inside that file create 3 functions named download_*() , process_*() and dataset_*() .
  3. Add the process_*() function to the named list process_functions in the file process_functions.
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How do you use datasets in R studio?

In RStudio, click on the Workspace tab, and then on “Import Dataset” -> “From text file”. A file browser will open up, locate the . csv file and click Open. You’ll see a dialog that gives you a few options on the import.

How do I list datasets in a package in R?

To get the list of available data sets in base R we can use data() but to get the list of data sets available in a package we first need to load that package then data() command shows the available data sets in that package. Also, for data sets in base R, we can use ls(“package:datasets”).

How do you create a dataset in R?

What do you need to do to create a dataset package:

  1. Step 0: locate your dataset, both raw and clean.
  2. step 1: create a new project with Rstudio.
  3. step 2: save the clean file.
  4. step 3: create a description file.
  5. step 4: describe the package with a vignette. *
  6. step 5: test and build*
  7. step 6: maintain your dataset if it changes.