
Where did the this is fine dog come from?

Where did the this is fine dog come from?

The “This is fine” meme comes from KC Green’s 2013 webcomic “On Fire.” The meme rarely includes the final panels, in which the dog’s flesh melts from his arms and skull, like chocolate syrup running down an ice cream sundae.

When did the this is fine meme start?

According to Know Your Meme, the first two panels — the dog saying “This is fine” while surrounded by fire — were posted on Reddit and Imgur in 2014, where they received thousands of upvotes. Since then, the two panels have become a popular meme.

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Who drew the this is fine meme?

illustrator K.C. Green
This is fine. The meme, derived from a webcomic by the 29-year-old illustrator K.C. Green, is a bit like those “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters, just with an absurdist twist.

Where did everything is fine come from?

“Everything Is Fine” is the series premiere of the American fantasy-comedy television series The Good Place. Written by series creator Michael Schur and directed by executive producer Drew Goddard, it aired on NBC in the United States on September 19, 2016, back-to-back with the second episode “Flying”.

What is the meaning of this is fine?

Based on a webcomic of an anthropomorphic dog sitting in a burning house saying “This is fine,” this is fine is a meme used as a reaction image in which someone ironically says a situation is OK … and it very clearly isn’t.

Who started the fire meme?

Zoe Roth
MEBANE, N.C. — It’s the meme seen ’round the world, and it all started in Alamance County. Zoe Roth is the now 18-year-old Mebane native behind the ‘Disaster Girl’ meme, also known as the ‘Fire Starter’ meme you’ve probably seen on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, the board game ‘What Do You Meme?’ and so much more!

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What’s the name of the this is fine dog?

Question Hound
And his creator wants to show he’s more than a meme. Have you seen this dog? Big peepers, tiny chapeau, answers to his official name Question Hound.

What does this is fine dog mean?

Who said Im fine everything is fine?

Quote by Rachel Van Dyken: “Right. I’m fine, you’re fine, everything’s fine…”

Does Fine really mean fine?

“Fine” Never Means “Fine” I’ll resist spouting definitions at you, but the word “fine” all by itself is meant to represent that things are going well—exceptionally even. Use the word in a phrase like “fine dining” or “fine jewelry,” and you’re picturing something of the highest quality.

Who is Zoe Roth disaster girl?

Disaster Girl is a widely shared photograph of a young girl staring into the camera while a house burns behind her. The girl in the photo, Zoe Roth, was four years old when the photo was taken in 2005. It was sold for $470,000 at auction on 29 April 2021.

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What is the story behind Disaster Girl meme?

In January 2005, Zoë Roth and her father Dave went to see a controlled burn – a fire intentionally started to clear a property – in their neighbourhood in Mebane, North Carolina. Mr Roth, an amateur photographer, took a photo of his daughter smiling mischievously in front of the blaze.