
Where do I find my Elgin watch serial number?

Where do I find my Elgin watch serial number?

Your watch will have two serial numbers—one on the case and one on the inner movement of the watch.

What are Elgin grades?

Elgin watch grades identify the level of quality to which they are finished. Elgin assigned a grade number to a movement of a specific size, jeweling and finish. If a change was made a different grade number would be assigned. Elgin also assigned a name, such as B W.

Are Elgin watches worth anything?

Are Elgin Watches Valuable? Even today, most of Elgin watches are in good working condition and can still be practical to use. You can purchase them from $50 to $300, while the rarer and more luxurious pieces may cost you more than $1,000. Elgin is the largest American manufacturer of jewelled watches in the world.

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Is my Elgin pocket watch gold?

Open the case’s rear cover and look for the markings “10k,” “14k,” or “18k.” This should be easy to see, as it will be impressed into the inside back cover. If one of those markings is visible, then your pocket watch is gold.

What does a watch grade mean?

number does not always mean an increase in watch quality. Grade. The grade of a movement is the identification of the level of quality to which it is. finished, generally reflecting the amount of labor that went into them. There is.

What is an Elgin movement?

The Elgin grade 70 pocket watch movement was produced between circa 1873 – 1896 in Elgin, Illinois. Approximately 74,500 movements were produced. Earlier models were 15 jewels, later the movements were produced with 17 jewels. Elgin produced watches until around 1968.

Does the Elgin watch Company still exist?

All US manufacturing was discontinued in 1968, and the rights to the name “Elgin” were sold and subsequently resold multiple times over the years.

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Why did Elgin watch Company close?

The original factory, Plant No. 1, containing 454,800 square feet, in Elgin, closed in 1964, after having produced half of the total number of pocket watches manufactured in the United States (excluding dollar pocket watches). The factory clock tower had been put out of commission, in late August 1965, and on Oct.