
Where is mean position in SHM?

Where is mean position in SHM?

There will be a restoring force directed towards equilibrium position (or) mean position. In an oscillatory motion, the net force on the particle is zero at the mean position. The mean position is a stable equilibrium position.

When particle starts its motion from extreme position then its displacement is given by?

The displacement-time equation of a particle executing SHM is x= A sin(ωt+ϕ). At time t=0, position of the particle is x=A/2 and it is moving along negative x-direction.

When an object in SHM starts moving from its extreme position then its initial phase is?

If body starts from extreme position α =± π/2. α is called an initial phase or epoch of S.H.M. and x0 = initial displacement of the particle. It is also denoted by letter øo. The direction of displacement is always away from the mean position.

What is the acceleration of a particle at mean position in SHM?

Since the displacement of the particle at mean position is zero, the acceleration of the particle is also zero. One should always take the displacement of the particle in SHM from the mean position where there is no restoring force acting on the particle.

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What is initial phase at extreme position?

A body starts from extreme position who is in simple harmonic motion. Being it is starting from the extreme position it is having a initial phase of 90°. Correspondingly the equation of the displacement can be modified as shown below.

What is the initial phase of a particle starting from extreme position?

What is the initial phase of a particle, in SHM, starting from an extreme position? The initial phase α of a particle performing SHM is given by α=sin-1(x0/A), where x0 is the initial position of the particle.

What is the acceleration of particle at mean position in SHM?

What is V in SHM?

We know the velocity of a particle performing S.H.M. is given by, v = ± ω √a2 – x2. At mean position, x = 0. Therefore, v = ± ω √a2 – 02 = ± ω √a2 = ± aω. Therefore, at mean position, velocity of the particle performing S.H.M. is maximum which is Vmax = ± aω.

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What does particle position mean?

Just like politics! The mean in this case would be zero. It refers to the average position. 2.8K views. View 1 share.