
Where is null macro defined in C?

Where is null macro defined in C?

Null macro is defined in stdio. h and stddef.h.It is used to represent a null pointer in your code. its value is zero. Null pointer is same as an uninitialized pointer.. It does not point anywhere.

In which header file is the null macro defined 1 point a Stdio h b Stddef H C stdio h and Stddef H D Math h?

Discussion Forum

Que. In which header file is the NULL macro defined?
b. stddef.h
c. stdio.h
d. math.h
Answer:stdio.h and stddef.h

How do you define a null macro?

Traditionally, the NULL macro is an implementation defined constant representing a null pointer, usually the integer 0 . In C, the NULL macro can have type void * . However, in C++ this definition is invalid, as there is no implicit cast from a void * type to any other pointer type (which C allows).

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In which header file is macro defined?

Advertisements. A header file is a file with extension . h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions to be shared between several source files.

IS null defined in C standard?

5 of the C Standard states that NULL “expands to an implementation-defined null pointer constant,” which means that the implementation gets to choose which form of 0 to use and whether to use a `void *` cast; see questions 5.6 and 5.7.

In which library null is defined?

Description. The C library Macro NULL is the value of a null pointer constant. It may be defined as ((void*)0), 0 or 0L depending on the compiler vendor.

What is Stdlib h in C language?

h is the header of the general purpose standard library of C programming language which includes functions involving memory allocation, process control, conversions and others. It is compatible with C++ and is known as cstdlib in C++. The name “stdlib” stands for “standard library”.

Where is NULL defined C?

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Coming to our discussion, NULL macro is defined as ((void *)0) in header files of most of the C compiler implementations. But C standard is saying that 0 is also a null pointer constant.

How is NULL defined?

1 : having no legal or binding force : invalid a null contract. 2 : amounting to nothing : nil the null uselessness of the wireless transmitter that lacks a receiving station— Fred Majdalany. 3 : having no value : insignificant …

Do macros go in header files?

The Google C++ Style Guide guide advises that macros must not be defined in a . h (header) file.

What does the NULL macro do?

The NULL macro is defined in . (It is also defined in several other headers.) It expands to a null pointer constant and is intended to be used with pointers, not with characters.

What is the header for null character constant in C?

There is no C standard library header that defines a null character constant. Instead, just use ‘\\0’ in your application. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

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How do you define null in C++?

The C++ standard requires that NULL be defined in the c * header corresponding to each of those. The C standard is very strict about the names a standard can define–each standard header must define precisely the names the standard requires that header to define.

Is there a macro for\\0 in C++?

There is no standard macro for ‘\\0’. It is equivalent to 0 (character constants have int type), and a macro for it would be of limited use. The character ‘\\0’ is often referred to as a null character, but this is different from the NULL pointer constant.